Let's get this show on the road!

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That video to the side is from their concert I went to the other day and I took.

Aubrey P.O.V.

"Well, Alex, you done packing yet?" I asked, grabbing my bags from beside my door.

"Yep, sure am, honey!" Alex said, pulling his suitcases, and wearing this shirt that said 'All I need For Christmas is You', "Like it?"

"Oh yes, it screams cheese factor." I kissed his lips, "I love you, Santa." I winked, "Oh, Rian, aren't you coming with us?"

"Ha, yes ma'am, let me get my bags!" Rian yelled from his bedroom, it was only the 21st of December so Rian decided to come with us to my parents house. Me and Alex heaved our bags down the staricase and into the foyer.

"Oh, lovelies!" I yelled, Jack came barreling down the stairs, with Stacy on his back.

"Are you really leaving us in this house for 3 days by ourselves?" Jack said, bouncing up and down like a kid on crack.

"Yes, and don't ever drink Rockstar anymore, 'kay?"

"Yes mummy." He said in a disappointed voice.

"No come giving mummy a hug." Jack ran forward and swept me off my feet, and he still had Stacy on his back.

"I love you!" Jack yelled, as loud as he could.

"I love you too!" Stacy yelled, to me also.

"I love you too guys!" I screamed, "Your gifts should have arrived at Jack's parents house by now and I will miss y'all so much but we have Hawaii to look forward to. Now remember, tickets are in the front of y'alls special labeled suitcase and if you need me well, you know the number."

"Zack and Mary didn't give us that talk, why are you?"

"Cause Zack's head's to far up her ass to talk to anyone but her." I snarled, I loved that Zacky was happy, but she hogged him all the time. He was one of my best friends and I haven't been able to talk to him becasue of her.

"Jack, help us with these bags please!" Alex said, with like 5 suitcases.

"My special diva," I smiled, "And 9 of them are just hair products, I swear." I laughed, earning a glare which turned into a 'I want to undress you now' look from Alex.

"In Hawaii, I swear, all the time if you want." Alex said, laughing. I wanted him, now, we've only ever done it that one time.

"Eww, don't be getting dirty, I have innocent ears!" Jack yelled.

How All Time Low Fell For Two College KidsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang