Chapter 3: Appreciation

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Author's note: Hope you're enjoying the story so far, have a super fluffy chapter. ;3

October 20th, 2017 Edit:

New cover courtesy of Randombluebird99!

Many thanks! :3


The love begins.

Frisk and Chara emerged from the underground, hand in hand.

On the journey back up to the surface, Frisk had explained the life plan to Chara. Toriel had a house prepared, and made up with Fluffybuns, meaning Chara's parents would be there to support Chara. The skeleton brothers had their old house somehow brought with them, a few blocks away from the Dreemurr house. Alphys and Undyne had rented out a rather large apartment to themselves, so Undyne could punch as many things as she wanted, and Alphys could do whatever experiments she desired, as long as nobody melted.

Chara was worried about Toriel and Asgore's reaction to seeing them again. Frisk was a bit nervous, but knew Toriel would be happy to see her child again.

When Chara and Frisk emerged from the darkness of the mountain, the fresh air, flowing breeze, warm sun, and beauty of nature hit Chara all at once. It had been a few years since they lasted had real feelings, and experiencing the beauty of nature was something they secretly missed.

Frisk and Chara stepped towards the cliff, and slowly walked away from the mountain entrance. When Chara spent a few moments gazing around the mountain-top, Frisk tapped Chara's shoulder and pointed at Toriel. Chara looked shocked when they saw their familiar guardian. Frisk called out to her, and Toriel turned, suddenly stopped upon laying eyes upon the duo.

Toriel's face was pure shock, and she looked as if she was going to faint. Frisk ran to her side.

"Frisk...I think I may be hallucinating from this surface air..." Toriel said slowly, and panting somewhat heavily.

"No mom, Chara really is there." Frisk said with a crooked smile.

Tears formed quickly in Chara and Toriel's eyes, as they ran towards each other. When they met, they gave the biggest hugs they could muster. Both of them were crying now.

"M-my child...I lost you long ago...I-I even buried you..." Her voice trailed off into small sobs of happiness, and a mix of painful memories.

"I know mom, I'm so sorry. I'm here for real this time, all thanks to Frisk." Chara pulled slightly away and leaned their head to look at Frisk, and gave them a smile.

Frisk smiled back.

Toriel turned and took Chara's hand, and walked to Frisk. When they were all within proper reach, Toriel knelt back down beside the two.

They all hugged.

After a while of embracing her children, Toriel took their hands and began transcending the mountain, leading everyone to her home.

The house was a two story home, with a basement. The living room is the first thing you enter upon opening the door. In the middle of the room is a large couch, with a large TV placed by the coffee table placed in front of the couch. The kitchen is connected to the room, that offers a large variety of cubbies and drawers for tools, and various appliances for baking. An entertainment room was near the back of the house, complete with another - much bigger - couch, as well as TV's and gaming systems, which Alphys have gifted to them. Their backyard was semi-small, but large enough for an overhead tent, and a fire pit in the grass for marshmallow roasts.

The 2nd floor had two very large bedrooms, and two bathrooms. The stairs leading up the that floor had a beautiful oak railing, as well as fluffy carpet along the upper floor. Each bathroom had a tub, toilet, sink, and mirror. The floor was white marble, which will be cold on the feet in the winter.

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