Chapter 130: Blood Pumping

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Author's note: Well, what can I really say here? This book hit #564 in all of the fan-fiction on Watt-pad, which is super awesome, a major achievement for any author, and I love you all for it. :333

Tell me what you'd like more of/new in here. More kisses? More appearances? Locations?

I'm here to please you, so tell me how I can do that! :333

Thanks everyone. :3

Also here's a major kissy chapter, since it's been a while, and we need one.


Chara and Frisk, a pair of girls that survived many, many encounters together.

They survived a queen and king, several beasts, and even a god, yet stayed strong.

They fell in love, got engaged, and are always in embrace.

But even when a couple enjoys cuddling as much as possible...

Kissing in close embrace is something satisfying to the heart.

Chara and Frisk were happily cuddling in their rooms, relaxing after a visit to Muffet's bakery. 

When they returned from the store, they brought home more than just good food in their tummy's, but a new spider friend who made a small bed out of a tissue. He lived under the lamp on their end table, which was placed next to their bed.

Muffin was happy in his little cozy tissue, where he could see the two cutiepies being in love whenever they were in their bedroom. He was also free to explore the house, as long as no obnoxious webs were strung everywhere.

The two spent their morning and most of their afternoon cuddling, and eventually had the idea to go downstairs and visit Asgore and Toriel. Frisk and Chara got together on the love-seat left of the couch their parents occupied, and snuggled together closely, just as Toriel and Asgore were.

The family talked about random things to pass time, and Toriel even put on a movie for everyone to watch. The movie was about a cartoon girl who moved to a new home, and as the family searched for the home they took a turn to a forest, which lead them to a seemingly abandoned carnival. Strangely, food was still fresh at the carnival, and the parents dug in, while the girl waited. But when the night fell, a ghost ship arrived, and her parents were changed. She spent the movie getting her parents back, and surviving the ghosts.

After the long movie, the sun was already beginning to go down due to the winter season, and Toriel got up to begin preparing dinner. She made a nice, hearty stew full of large and delicious ingredients in a rich broth. She served it with beans and buttered potatoes, which added to the deliciousness of the meal. Once she finished preparing it and placing plates out, everyone gathered at the dinner table for a family feast together, made by the ever-talented and loving mother of the home.

After everyone was happily filled once again, the parents returned to the couch and watched their own interests, and Chara and Frisk went back into their bedroom for a bit of reading.

Frisk would sit in-front of Chara, letting them envelop them in a massive, warm hug, like a blanket. Chara would lean back against the panel of the bed, where they placed a pillow to support their back and ease their spine. With Frisk in their grasp, Chara relaxed greatly and closed their eyes, leaning their head against Frisk as they read their book about Hobbits.

As more and more time passed pleasantly, the darkness of the outside turned pitch, and Frisk's eyes were feeling a bit heavy. They nudged Chara to see if they were ready for bed soon, and found that Chara was already sleeping. Frisk laughed to themselves since they hadn't noticed their drowsy lover had fallen asleep, since their book was quite enticing. 

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