Chapter 136: A Bad Morning Cured

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Author's note: Hello again.

It's been a while.

I refuse to explain myself.



A situation where your precious lover is upset is hardening.

You actively want to change their mood, doing anything necessary to get their beautiful smile back.

When Frisk is a bit grumpy, Chara is there to make sure the angel will smile once more.

In the arms of her angel, Frisk slept quietly, dreaming of a fuzzy, forgettable series of events that would leave her mind once she awoke.

At 7:26 AM, Frisk awoke without reason, far earlier than her body was used to, nor wanted. Her eyes just pressed together tightly, bringing her conscious back to reality unwarranted. She squirmed in place, and immediately felt a kink in her neck, and along her spine.

Frisk opened her eyes, and the early-morning sun beamed into the room, illuminating it far more than Frisk's tired and achy eyes could take, and it caused harm in her eyes. She freed her arms from Chara's body to rub them, but it didn't stop the stinging.

Frisk dug themselves deeper into Chara's grasp, happy that at-least her lover was there, but the pain in her neck and spine was too discomforting for her to remain in place, so she reluctantly rolled off the bed and onto her feet, where she stood up, and felt dizzy due to standing up too fast.

When she got to the doorway and opened the door, she looked back at her sleeping angel, and blew her a kiss. Frisk left her room, stubbing her right foot big-toe on the frame as she left.

"Ow-" She said before slapping her mouth with her hand, trying to keep quiet for Chara, while simultaneously hurting her jaw from hitting themselves too hard.

"Oh my god...first I wake up super early, get pains in my neck, have to leave Chara, and now a toe stub. Great." Frisk thought to herself upsettingly. 

Frisk went downstairs quietly to make herself a cup of golden flower tea in hopes to cheer herself up. Asgore made it for her often, and it was delicious every time, so she thought it'd be the best way to cheer herself up on this rather rotten morning.

As the kettle boiled her water, Frisk grabbed her cup and the tea-bag, pouring the hot-water inside the cup then dunking the bag until the water was nice and lightly golden. She picked up the mug in both of her sweater-covered hands, and began moving to the game-room.

As she moved from the tile-floor kitchen to the carpeted game-room, a separation bar - Used to separate the carpet and tiles - caused Frisk to stumble lightly, and a bit of her extremely hot tea felt on her bare foot, and she winched, which caused a bit of more tea to fall on her tummy area.

"Augh! Hot tea! Hot tea!" She loudly whispered, still trying to keep quiet for her family.

Frisk, aching, tired, burned, and with a pulsating toe, went to lay down on the couch with nothing but angry and upset thoughts in her mind, repeating that this morning was 'rotten' and 'awful' and that she wished Chara was here.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Frisk's whispering and lack of presence caused Chara to awaken. As the asleep Chara repetitively tried to hug and nuzzle a Frisk that wasn't there, Chara fell from sleeping on her side to on her stomach, making her awaken slowly. As her eyes opened, she lightly pushed herself up and rubbed her eyes, trying to open them as they fought back and tried to sleep again.

Once Chara threw her legs over the side of the bed, she fully noticed Frisk wasn't in the room, and the door was open. The only ones in the room was Chara, and her two cats, happily sleeping in the sunbeam that the window was letting in. The two cats were in their usual position, on their sides like Chara and Frisk usually were, and keeping their arms around each other. Their fuzzy and fluffy bodies rose and fell as they breathed, and their pure fuzziness made Chara smile.

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