Chapter 149: Aqua Pacificae

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Author's note: Sup. College isn't fun so far. x3



Thanks to FuzzyRaichuRoxYT for the adorable cover. :3

The couch is L-shaped and in a corner though x3

"Peaceful Water."


Such adorable, sleepy cutiepies.

This isn't immersive, I just love these two a lot.

They lay around, dedicating their lives to holding each other close.

This is essentially pure bliss.

I hope you all get something like this in your lives.

And my love goes out to everyone dealing with 4 hurricanes, wild-fires, floods, and such.

<3 :3

Deep in the early-morning dawn of Autumn, a cool breeze brought a few grey clouds over Chara and Frisk's city and household. The clouds were white and puffy, and they placed a grey overcast above the city, enclosing the sky and separating it from the sun's healthy rays.

When the two initially woke up, their eyes were met with pleasant beams of light entering their room and each other's pleasant smile. However, they returned to sleep eventually, drifting back to their pleasant dreams until re-awoken at a random time, out of pure chance. When Chara opened her eyes, she didn't even need to squint.

She gazed first at her window, seeing the grey light. The clouds filtered the sun's glow to form a white-glow across the sky, and gently illuminate the world around. And from the angle Frisk rested on her chest, Chara could see a light almost emitting from her head.

Chara's little angel rested on her chest, hugging her softly, and keeping her safe.

When Chara gazed at the soft, fuzzy head that rested on her, she smiled while petting it softly, leaning down for a gentle kiss, placed right on her wife's head.

And, as her usual reaction, Frisk tightened her hug briefly, then rubbed her face on the spot it rested. She opened her soft, ruby-red eyes and tilted her head to gaze up at Chara's eyes, and they locked in a stare of admiration, and groggy-love.

"Heeeeeeey..." Frisk said softly, struggling to get the strength to pull herself up to head-level with Chara. She managed, but wobbly.

When she rested in Chara's loving hold around her back, Frisk placed her left hand on Chara's right cheek to stroke it gently. They stared in close embrace before Frisk pulled her wife  into a warm and soft kiss.

Their lips moved very slowly, as they just woke up still, making it very passionate, and enjoyable. Their hearts felt full of love as per usual.

Frisk kept her hand on Chara's cheek through their little morning kiss, as she loved to feel it warm up as Chara's blush grew. As they kissed, the blush grew, Frisk would smile, Chara would feel it, and it'd grow more. The cycle repeated.

Once Frisk's cute little body, being groggy still, gave in to her laziness, she just laid holding her cheek against Chara's and gazed out the window. She also yawned.

As the two laid comfortably together, they gazed outside, watching the rain drizzle down slowly.

"I love this weather. Nice and cold so we can warm each other up, and perfect rainy cuddle weather." Frisk said slowly, yawning adorably again.

Chara closed her eyes as she leaned her head on Frisk's. She was addicted to being near Frisk at this point.

"The perfect weather for us to snuggle, go down to the game room, sit on the couch, and just watch the rain pour in our backyard, no?" She offered. Frisk began to turn and roll off of the bed.

She rolled too far, and landed on the floor with a soft 'thump'. She went on her back, and gazed up at Chara, who was watching her from above with a concerned face.

Frisk gave a thumbs up to signify that she was okay, and that gave Chara her smile back.

"Should I grab our white blanket and join you downstairs?" Chara offered, throwing her legs off the bed as Frisk climbed up to her feet.

She got on her tippy-toes and held both of Chara's cheeks as she kissed her, backed up while holding her still, and said,


Chara smiled and stood up, going to the closet as Frisk ran downstairs and hopped onto the familiar L-shaped couch placed right next to the sliding window door. She turned on a nice cartoon about the manliest man in shades with the manliest yellow hair ever to walk the Earth.

Meanwhile, Chara dug their fluffy white blanket out from the closet and wrapped it around herself like a cloak. She walked out of her room, closing the door as she exited it. She stopped by the living room couch to pet Cutie and Zoey on the way over to Frisk, and they purred and meowed happily.

While Cutie just happily hummed in pleasure, Zoey just meowed annoyingly.

Onward she ventured to the game-room, and once Frisk turned her head to see Chara approaching in all her fluffy-blanket glory, she scooted forward so Chara could sit behind her, and envelop Frisk in a nice tight hug, complimented by the warm hug of the blanket.

Chara locked her arms around Frisk's stomach, holding her tightly as she leaned back into the sofa, keeping the blanket tightly wrapped around the two while she hugged her wife. Frisk rested her arms on Chara's hands and leaned back into Chara's chest, and relaxed. The two gazed out the window as their muscles relaxed and entered lazy-mode once more.

Frisk was more interested in the weather outside than Chara, which was obvious due to the fact that Chara began to rub her cheek softly against Frisk, and even plant a few kisses that began at the bottom of her neck, and slowly worked her way up. Frisk twitched every time Chara's warm and soft lips were placed on her neck, and she even moaned quietly in pleasure.

"I love you a ton, Frisk. If you didn't realize that before." Chara whispered, continually just placing kisses all around the back of Frisk's neck.

"I love you too, Chara. And please...don't stop..." She said, putting her left hand behind her, and gently holding Chara's head.

Soft rain pelted along the grass of the outside world, As Chara and Frisk watched it from the safety and warmth of each other's arms. The rain was white-noise to the love being shared between the two, and they just indulged in the time spent together. It was pure bliss to quietly hold each other tight, and an added bonus to kiss and hug.

Each little kiss made Frisk shiver a bit, and each time Chara would smile, constantly reminded of why she loved little frisky-bits so much.

Their hearts were full,

Their minds were clear,

They had everything they needed to stay happy in life.

And that will continue on, as True Love is.


A bit of a short chapter, I know. But I wanted to get this out so I didn't feel guilty about not updating for a long while. x3

Next chapter I'm thinking kisses out in the rain. Raichu, go get a head-start on that. Or message me for details ;3

For the rest of you, I hope you're all doing well. :3

Good luck with school! :333 <333

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