Chapter 121: A Small Bit of Love

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Author's note: :3

I apologize for the speed of my updates. 

I'll do Halloween next, but I needed to update to remind you all that I AM NOT DEAD I AM JUST DEALING WITH MIDTERMS. Okay? :3

To keep up with my health, life, etc, "News" is a book I made that'll house anything 'important'. Check there if you wonder where I am. :3



Dia de los Muertos.

La noche en la que las almas perdidas vagan libremente.

Y el regalo de dulces es compartido.  

As a spooky movie playing on the TV ran out of run-time and shut itself off, all that was left to be heard was Chara and Frisk gently breathing together while holding close, using each other and a fuzzy white blanket as sources of warmth.

Before Twilight, it was All Hallow's Eve, the night before the Day of the Dead. The two were excited about the coming holiday, since dressing up in their ninja and ballerina costumes respectively made them both very happy for the coming day, especially since it was their first time. The candy, the people, and the costumes they'd see was imagined as an adventure.

And what better way to prepare for an adventure than a movie to set the mood?

The two watched a claymation horror-film about a girl who discovers an alternate world filled with button-eyed people. She enjoys it until the 'other-mother' wants to sew button eyes onto the protagonist. Chara and Frisk watched as the world around the protagonist began to rot, twist, and become vile. What was a beautiful change in their life was a living nightmare.

Chara was deeply interested in the plot and subjective matter, especially the colors of the garden in the button world, and they watched the screen mostly. Frisk enjoyed the film, but not as much as they were enjoying Chara's company. Frisk was focused on rubbing their face affectionately on Chara's body, kissing them lightly, and petting their sweater.

Frisk knew they had Chara all to themself, and they loved to 'abuse' this power. Even if Chara flat-out invited them to.

Eventually Frisk fell asleep due to Chara's heat and comfyness combined with the blanket, and they closed their eyes while hugging Chara tightly. Chara held Frisk like a teddy bear and hugged them to sleep with a kiss, and joined them shortly after in the world of dreaming.

All throughout the night, the two slowly moved to got the feelings of hugging each other to flourish, giving their unconscious bodies a wave of warmth, the feeling of love, and the softness of touching their lover. As the moon passed slowly, and the sun began rising, a beam of light shone through the window to the right of the couch, and it began crawling its way up Frisk's face, until it eventually hit their eyes, making them squirm and wince. Chara hugged them tighter in response, pulling them closer. The light had already made Frisk come awake however.

Frisk felt Chara's tight hug, and they blushed happily, enjoying it greatly.

"Awe. She's squeezing me. I feel so warm." Frisk thought.

Frisk rubbed their face on Chara's chest, specifically, a bit lower then their neck.

"Booooobies." Frisk thought, blushing a bit hard and smiling.

Frisk kept their eyes closed as they continued resting on the sleeping cutie. An unknown amount of time passed as Frisk maintained a half-awake, half-asleep form of consciousness. They became fully awake once they heard footsteps slowly coming down the stairs. They opened their eyes and looked, getting a view of Toriel slowly walking down. Frisk raised their arm and waved at her softly.

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