Chapter 155: Warm Mornings

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Author's note: Hello!

Average excuse about depression, sickness, etc.

thanks to my fav artist @FuzzyRaichuRoxYT for the amazing-as-always covers. :3



Such an enigmatic bunch.

Usually fitting together like puzzle pieces,

Yet with personalities so conflicting.

The hyperactive one that loves the outdoors and sunshine,

And the quiet one that prefers to be indoors, and silent.

And yet, the most passionate of lovers.

Opposites do indeed attractive.

The early sun rises over the valley, shining light down into the suburbs in which the Dreemurr family lived. Emerging from a shroud of clouds that hovered over the tops of the mountain that once haunted them, the sun shone through the mist and into the window of Chara and Frisk's room, in which they laid together in a very tight hug under several warm covers. Their proximity and blankets kept them nice and warm as some of the early-morning clouds sprinkled snow around the city, beginning to paint it in a white blanket.

Frisk gently squirmed in her sleep, her tummy rumbling slightly due to early morning hunger, causing her to awaken. She first looked up at the gentle sleeping face of the girl who held her for warmth.

Frisk stared at Chara's unconscious body, smiling at how adorable Chara looked in her sleep. Frisk moved a few pieces of Chara's soft hair away from her face, and then cupped Chara's cheek in her hand, holding it softly. 

Chara gently nuzzled herself on Frisk's hand, her unconscious body still even in love with Frisk. Frisk's heart sped up at this every time this happened, and she loved it every single time.

As much as Frisk wanted to stay in bed and hug her giant cuddly teddy bear, her tummy would not stop asking Frisk for food, and she conceded. Frisk escaped the covers and tucked them around Chara to keep her warm and snug, then patted the top of her head, and smooched her forehead. After making sure Chara was nice and snug, she exited the room, heading out into the hallway.

After escaping the loving clutches of her wife, Frisk slid on her butt down the stairway railing, landing gracefully and heading into the kitchen, where she prepared a bowl, some cereal, milk, and a spoon. She - of course - put the cereal in, added the milk, then dunked the cereal down before sitting down at the table, and began munching down on her chocolaty spheres.

Meanwhile, up in the bedroom, Chara was resting on her tummy, her dream a bit disrupted when the heat-generator she hugged all night disappeared. Her eyes squinted as she scrunched up a bit, loosing as her eyes open and she became aware of her surroundings, and missing Frisk.

"She got up for food, I'd guess. Frisk wouldn't leave my hugs for anything other than food. I don't blame her." Chara thought to herself, smiling at the end, finding Frisk's love of food quite silly, and relatable.

She gently pushes herself up, rubbing her cheek where Frisk held, still feeling gentle tickles on the spot of her touch. Chara smiled to herself as she stood up and yawned, heading downstairs quietly, hearing the crunching of Frisk's cereal as she made her way down the stairs.

When Chara turned the corner, the precious Frisk was sitting, leaning on the table, scooping cereal into her mouth quietly. Her back was turned to Chara, making it easy for Chara to gently sneak up, and place her chin on top of Frisk's head, and wrap her arms around Frisk in a loving morning hug.

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