Chapter 32: Sojourn

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Author's note: A request by GodlyArak, a visit to the school with Toriel. Thanks for the suggestion. :3

Well, we hit 16K rather fast, didn't we? ;3


Events to come, people to meet, a visitation to bear.

For once, they had to leave the house.

Frisk and Chara were still sleeping on the couch together. Chara laying directly on top of Frisk, nuzzling their chest, held their right hand in their own, and cradled their head with their left. Chara could feel Frisk's breathing, and hear their heartbeat. It was quite relaxing, and made them smile in their rest. Chara seemed to adorable hearing Frisk's heart. To them, it meant Frisk was alive and healthy, which was one of Chara's main concerns. But for now, Chara had no concerns. They laid calmly and happily on top of their lover, the comfiest bed imaginable. 

Meanwhile, upstairs in her bedroom, Toriel was getting ready for a special day at school. Toriel managed and taught at a school specially designed for a mix of monsters and humans. Today was special because it was 'bring your kid to work day', meaning all the staff's children who weren't enrolled or too young, could come to the school and look around, perhaps even help out their parent. Asgore also was preparing for the day, but he knew if the kids accepted, they would rather join Toriel's classes, since he already knew Chara disliked math and sports. Frisk however, would likely try the class.

Toriel finished preparing herself for the school day, and left the room to wake Frisk and Chara, and offer them the chance to join her. She gently knocked on their bedroom door and awaited a response. When none came, she walked in slowly, but the bedroom was empty. She turned back around and caught glimpse of a blanket on the couch downstairs. She smiled and walked down to them, before poking Chara on the back. They slowly woke up and lifted their head, blinking rapidly and slowly moving their head.

"Good morning, my child." She whispered with a smile.

"Hey...queen mom. What's up?" Chara said sluggishly. They still weren't a morning person.

"Well my child, today is a very special day at the school. I have the chance to bring you both into the school. Not as students, but as spectators! You may help me, or watch lessons, or freely explore the school as you please. Does that interest you?" Toriel asked softly, yet excitedly.

"Uhh...well...depends if Frisk goes with me." They said, returned their gaze to the sleeping Frisk. 

Chara gently began to poke Frisk's cheeks repetitively until Frisk responded and woke up. They met each other's gaze and hugged tightly. Chara then pointed to Toriel, who was crouching beside them with a smile on her face.

"Good morning mom!" Frisk said energetically. Frisk must have stolen all Chara's morning energy somehow.

After Toriel repeated her proposition, Frisk and Chara looked at each other and agreed to go with Toriel. Frisk thought it'd be fun to see where Toriel works, and also how the school functions. Toriel hugged the two sleepy cuties before she walked back upstairs to get Asgore prepared faster. Chara and Frisk got up together and went upstairs to gather their clothes, clean themselves up, and got ready to head out.

Just as they were both ready, they both met up in their room. Chara asked,

"Frisk, what do you think schools are like? I never got to go to one before, since I was taught most of what I know from Toriel anyway."

"'s just a big gathering of kids around our age. You sit in big rooms with desks while the teacher explains stuff to you. It's pretty boring sounding at first, but the stuff you learn is pretty cool." Frisk explained. It seemed to interest Chara well enough.

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