Chapter 113: Innocent Affection

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Author's note: Back by popular demand, a remix of Chapter 4: Moonlit Passion.

Time for couch snuggles~

Also oh my god I am being too lazy with this book I'm sorry for not updating for a bit. x3


Sleeping on top of your lover is immaculate.

They produce heat, negating blanket's body-heat multiplication, hug you while you lay down, and you can feel them breathing.

Being this close to your lover for long periods of time builds trust, and you grow to love them even more.

The path to a stronger, ever-lasting relationship holds a special stepping stone.

'Fall asleep in each other's arms every night.'" 

Frisk and Chara were asleep after an earlier than usual shower they needed have having shared a bit of intense intimacy.

Chara was sitting down on the bed, laying against their pillow and using it as a back support. They were holding Frisk in their arms, hugging them closely and resting their left hand on Frisk's back, and their right holding their left hand. Frisk was sitting on Chara's lap, their legs going to Chara's right, and their arms holding onto Chara. They were nuzzled into Chara's neck safely, enjoying the soft and warm feelings of Chara's skin, and loving how close they were to their lover.

The two fell back asleep easily in this position, since being tightly knit together made falling asleep extremely easy. Since they both loved how soft and warm the other person was, mixed with how safe and loved they felt while being around each other, sleeping was not an issue at all. Knowing they were both extremely close to their lover, nuzzling them and holding them safely while they slept filled them with happiness and comfort.

Plus Frisk loved sleeping on Chara's chest.

For obvious reasons.

Both of them slept happily until the overcast grey clouds rolled in, filtering the golden sunshine into the holy white light the two enjoyed. Light drops of rain were hitting the roof of the home, and when Frisk and Chara would awaken, the sounds would relax both of them further.

Cutie and Zoey were downstairs in the game-room, laying on the mat that was between the room and the sliding door that lead to the back yard. The couple of fuzzy soft cats were sitting on their arms and legs, side-by-side, watching the outside. Zoey was watching a bird in a tree fiercely, imagining themself as a beast, ready to pounce the prey. Cutie had his eyes shut, and was sleeping next to his fluffy love. When the bird took off from the tree branch, Zoey tried to pounce after it, and only ended up stretching against the glass of the door. They lowered themselves back to the ground, where Cutie tipped himself to the right, and began pawing at Zoey's face, booping them softly and playfully. Zoey lightly pounced on top of Cutie, and began licking his head lovingly. The two cats played happily on this early morning.

As the light replaced the darkness of the town, Frisk squirmed slightly on Chara, waking their muscles and nerves up, letting them feel how tired and relaxed their muscles were.

"Oh yeah. That was a good sleep. My muscles ache, but in the good way. Aw yes." Frisk thought, smiling and nuzzling their face on Chara's neck.

Frisk pulled their head back to look at the sleeping Chara.

"You're adorrrrrablllllle." Frisk whispered, hovering closely to Chara's face.

Frisk placed themselves lightly against Chara's lips and began moving them with their own. They held the kiss for a long while before lean back, placing their head beside Chara's, and squeezing them as hard as their achy, tired body would let them.

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