Chapter 30: Cozy by the Fire

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Author's note: Hey. You. Beautiful person who reads this story. You are awesome. Thanks. <3



Spring approaches, but the icy grip of winter has yet to let up. 

The snow makes it's final push.

Chara and Frisk lay together happily within each other's arms as usual. Every night they would fall asleep cuddling. Nothing kept them warm like holding each other close. It always made them smile. 

The wind outside was blowing snow harshly, and the two could hear the wind howling from their room. Frisk woke up first, but felt too drowsy, warm, and comfortable within Chara's arms to get out of bed. Frisk fell in and out of sleep, trying to keep awake to greet Chara when they awoke, but they couldn't fight the drowsy feeling any longer. They dowsed off, and returned to their imagination.

Frisk looked around and recognized the area. It was Alphys' lab in her new home. The dream figure took Frisk over to a cloth covered machine, and pulled the cover off. A large, metal machine stood before Frisk. The gray machine was covered in wires and buttons and had a large closed door on the front. Alphys opened the door and Frisk instinctively stepped in. A large swirl of colors followed, and Frisk's vision was tossed in various directions as the machine seemed to be moving on the outside, but Frisk couldn't see out of the machine. Once it stopped, Frisk composed themselves and opened the door. They stepped out to an endless black void. Everywhere they looked was pure black, even the ground they stood on. Frisk turned around and the machine was gone too. An unfamiliar voice called their name out extremely slowly and in a distorted voice. Frisk turned around.

A tall figure wearing all black stood facing away from Frisk. The black the figure wore was lighter than the void they stood in, so they saw them fairly clearly. The black cloak was shifting gently to the left with an invisible wind. Frisk tried to call out to this mysterious figure, but no sound came from their mouth. The figure turned it's head just enough to show Frisk their glowing red eye. The figure whispered one last thing before they disappeared into the dark.

"I see you."

A bright light replaced the void shortly after, and Frisk re-awoke softly to a squeeze around them. Chara was hugging them tightly and staring down at Frisk lovingly. Frisk returned the smile, hugged back, and greeted Chara.

"Hello, my dancing star." Frisk said in their best seductive voice. Chara laughed.

"Greetings, my precious cinnamon roll." They replied in their extremely tired voice.

"Did all that dancing tire you out that much?" Frisk said, easily hearing the strain in Chara's voice.

"Yup. It was totally worth it though." They said, winking at Frisk.

Frisk pulled their arm from it's scrunched position against Chara and draped it over their chest, and placed their leg over Chara's, leaning against them like a body pillow. They rubbed their cheek gently against Chara's as they dug into their neck. Chara wrapped their arm around Frisk's shoulder and let out a sigh of pleasure.

"Not in the mood to get up yet?" Chara asked while giggling.

"Nope." Frisk responded quickly.

The two remained holding close and hugging as the morning hours passed slowly. Eventually, Chara received a text message and reached their free hand over to the table near their bed. The message was from Toriel, and it read,

"Greetings, Chara! I hope you slept well! The snow has made the roads a little dangerous, and I will be staying at the educational gathering for a little longer than usual. If you would be so kind, please walk with Frisk over to the nearby grocery store. I have left a list of the items we appear to be running low on. If the weather is too bad, you may stay inside until it clears. Thank you Chara. Sincerely, Toriel :-)"

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