Chapter 35: Boundaries Unannounced

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Author's note: A request from Vitzel, an accidental walk-in. He also suggested that I involve a few more characters, and so I shall. :3


Thanks everyone! And enjoy! <3



"Good morning, Frisky."

Frisk grinned.

"Good morning Chara."

They hugged once more before getting up to start the day.

They both brought themselves off the pillow, but remained seated on the bed. Frisk and Chara sat on top of the bed with their legs crossed, and their hands locked. They sat staring into each other's eyes before leaning fourth once more for a long morning kiss. After they pulled away, Frisk giggled, and hugged Chara again. 

Chara was very squishy.

Frisk got up and immediately went into the bathroom to get changed and clean themselves up. After their shower, Frisk walked to the staircase and slide down. After landing gracefully, Frisk walked into the kitchen and prepared a nice bowl of cereal for themselves and Chara. They brought both bowls to the front couch and settled down into the fluff of the couch. Chara followed Frisk downstairs after their own shower and Frisk patted the spot beside them with a big smile. Chara happily sat down and they both began eating as Frisk turned the TV to an old cartoon about three superhero girls that were represented by blue, red, and green colors.

After they both finished their breakfast, they wrapped an arm around each other and continued watching the cartoon. Eventually, the phone rang, and Frisk let go to answer it. On the end of the line was a familiar royal guard captain. Undyne violently greeted Frisk.

"Hey nerd! It's been a long while right?!" Frisk smiled at hearing Undyne again.

"Hi Undyne. What's up?"

"Well, punk, Alphys and I haven't really gotten to see your wimpy butt in a while, aside from the time Papyrus brought you. BUT we never got to catch up! SO I was thinking I could bring Alphys, a few movies, and tons of unhealthy snacks and we all hang out together! HOW'S THAT SOUND?"

Frisk thought to themselves for a moment.

"Well, I have nothing planned today, so sure! What time did you wanna come here?"

"How's 5 sound? It's late enough for pajamas, RIGHT?" 

Frisk laughed at Undyne's intensity. Even in the most simple of situations, she was always overly determined and pumped up.

"Sure. See you then, Undyne! Also tell Alphys I said 'hey'."

"SURE THING, PUNK." All Frisk heard after that was a violent phone smash.

Frisk walked back and jumped over the couch. They re-wrapped their arms around Chara's chest and nuzzled into their chest. Chara smiled again.

"So, from the sound of loud 'punk' and phone smashing, I'd guess that's Undyne?" Chara asked, turning their head to Frisk.

"Yup." Frisk replied simply, still nuzzling deep into Chara.

"Alright, so what'd she want?" 

"She's coming over at 5 with Alphys. She's also bringing movies and snacks and stuff. It'll kinda be like a double date." 

"Movies, snacks, and snuggles? Yeah, that sounds pretty good."

Chara tighten their arms around Frisk and squeezed them lovingly. Frisk returned the hug with a giggle. They both loved hugging, since their sweaters were extremely soft, as well as both of their bodies were equally soft and squishy.

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