Chapter 49: Memories

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Author's note: Chapter 50 will be a special, and this is a build-up to it. The contents will be revealed in here, so have fun. :3

Thanks to everyone who has supported me through 50 chapter of this trash. It means a lot! <3 :3


The Celebration of Creation is a lovely way to gather all your loved ones.

Especially when you're celebrating the creation of your true love.

Exceptionally early in the morning, Frisk's alarm went off, and they tried to shut it off as quickly as possible to avoid waking Chara. Chara blinked awake however, and Frisk looked up at Chara's groggy face. Chara's face held a half confused expression. Frisk had enough energy to keep awake, but they needed Chara asleep for a special reason, so Frisk brought their hands up and slowly scratched the top of Chara's head, making their eyes blink quickly and eventually flutter back to sleep.

Sleepy Chara was immensely adorable to Frisk.

Frisk however, reluctantly removed themselves from Chara's loving and warm embrace. Before they completely left the bed, Frisk pulled themselves up to Chara's face, cupped their cheek gently, and gave them an extremely soft kiss. Once Frisk let go, they rubbed their thumb on Chara's cheek and then exited the bed. They snuck out of their room and shut their door quietly. Frisk stepped down the stairs as softly as they could, and met Toriel in the kitchen, who was holding a checklist. They greeted each other with a smile and a wave.

"Hi queen mom!" Frisk whispered.

"Good morning, my child. So, are you ready to plan for Chara's birthday?" Toriel asked in her usual calm voice, yet with a hint of excitement.

"You bet! We are gonna surprise them so hard, they won't know what's happening!" Frisk said, obviously excited. Toriel smiled.

Earlier, Toriel had shared the date that Chara fell into the underground with Frisk, and dictated that as their birthday. Frisk eagerly wanted to help plan a party, and suggested an old location.

"So, to recap what idea we have so far; We will be booking the hall you two last danced at again, but for a party setting this time." She said, flipping through a few pages in her checklist.

"That dance was so amazing. I can't wait to dance with Chara again. But this time, we celebrate them!" Frisk said with stars in their eyes, and Chara on their mind.

"So you like that idea then? Then we shall go through with it. However, how do we solve the issue of Chara finding out about our plans?" Toriel asked, gaining slight concern.

Frisk thought for a moment.

Toriel was right, that was an issue. Frisk tried to think of all the ways to hide the event from Chara, and their ideas ranged from sleeping with them all day, to taking them out somewhere. Frisk decided they couldn't stay calm enough to be in bed all day, and instead they tried thinking of the best place to take Chara as a distraction.

Frisk thought long and hard, before one particular idea came to mind. They remembered that months ago, the two went to a hill for a picnic, and the view was breath-taking.

Breath-taking like the first time Frisk exited the underground.

The perfect idea snapped into Frisk's head.

"Mom. I am going to take Chara up to Mt. Ebott for a picnic." Frisk said, shaking from extreme excitement.

"My want to take advantage of the beautiful sight from the mountains, don't you?" Toriel said, easily impressed by Frisk's incredible idea.

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