Chapter 55: Minty Fresh

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Author's note: They were going to do something, but got distracted. Oh well. ;3

Aurora, yours is still coming. x3

Thanks for 45K! <3 :3


As the sights of housing, construct, activity, and life pass through the window of a car...

Two beings of perfect harmony exist happily together.

Trust, hardship, life, and death brought them together.

Love, will keep them together.

Chara and Frisk were sitting beside each other in the back of their parent's car, holding hands and leaning their shoulders together as they waited to arrive at the mall.

They were both excited, since every trip to the mall they took ended happily for the two. Whether from dresses, or silly costumes, lunch, or just walking around, every moment spent together was time well spent.

As Asgore drove, Toriel told the two about the errands she and Asgore had been running, and why they need to go to the mall. Toriel explained that a peace-keeping party was being held, and they needed some decorations and food prepared and ordered. Toriel also offered a chance for the two to come to the party, but also explained nothing incredibly entertaining would be present.

Chara said they would think about it together, and their answer seemed to please Toriel enough.

Everyone sat quietly for the rest of the trip to the mall, and Chara and Frisk just happily relaxed in the close presence of each other. They smiled softly, and nuzzled their cheeks against each other, making Frisk giggle and bring their free hand to their mouth. Chara gained a soft blush from Frisk's levels of cute. Toriel caught glance of the action through the front mirror, and smiled at her children.

Asgore eventually turned, and pulled into the mall, parking easily. Everyone got out, and Chara and Frisk continued holding hands as they walked between Toriel and Asgore.

"The most adorable pair in the world!" Thought Toriel.

"How incredibly sweet." Thought Asgore.

"I love them so much. Everything about them is perfect." Thought Chara.

"I'm really hungry." Thought Frisk.

They walked through the entrance to the mall and the AC hit them fast, cooling everyone pleasantly. They stepped past the entrance corridor, and stopped at a cross-way of 3 directions.

"Okay, small ones. Toriel and I will be going to a few different stores for our supplies. You are free to travel anywhere you like. If you need us, message us, and we will tell you our location. We will gather here once we finish. Enjoy yourselves, children!" Asgore said.

Frisk ran up to Toriel and gave her a massive hug, and Chara calmly walked to Asgore and gave him a hug as well. They let go, and the two locked hands again as their parents waved them goodbye, and headed in the direction behind them.

Chara and Frisk turned to each other, and Frisk asked,

"So, where do you wanna go first?"

Frisk pulled Chara over to a conveniently-placed map of the mall.

They both looked over multiple stores, and tried to decide which one caught their attention the most.

One store that caught both of their eyes was a candy shop. A store, named "Sugar High", which lifted Frisk's spirits. Chara rose up to the idea, and pointed at the store. Frisk grew a big smile, and nodded quickly. They both began walking the path to the store.

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