Chapter 125: Merry Christmas

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Author's seasons-greetings: Merry Christmas everyone. 

Sorry this is AFTER the actual holiday, and not fully involving the holiday yet. I had stuff to do. I do hope you all enjoyed yourselves though. Plenty of food, gifts, and love to go around, yeah? :3

Happy holidays from Cutieknight/Ghostneurion.



Merry Christmas to all.

May 2017 have mercy on our souls.

Chara and Frisk were snuggling together under their fuzzy blankets as thick snow fell quickly down from the Heavens onto the Earth. The flakes danced with the wind, the soft orange light of the lamp-posts illuminating their paths as they fell into stacks, forming a beautiful white blanket across the town.

When Frisk and Chara first experienced the snow, it was thin, slow, and melted as it touched the ground. The flakes now were thick, fell fast with their own gravity, and landed in piles that stretched far across the ground, decorating it in a cold fluff.

The blanket hugged the top of the house, cooling it noticeably. However, Chara and Frisk's heat as they snuggled together asleep was unbeatable. The chill of the house was unnoticed by the two adorable girls cuddling together under several fluffy blankets, while wrapping each other in their arms. There was no warmer, happier, and safer spot to be in than each other's arms.

A grey overcast blocked out the suns volumetric rays this chilly morning as flakes continued to fall from the heavens. The snow was several inches thick, around three feet. Outside of Chara and Frisk's room, the snow fell, untouched by humans as it laid upon the tree branches, giving them a heavenly white outline.

Their cats, Cutie and Zoey were downstairs in the game-room by the sliding door, watching the snowflakes fall and gather. The two sat on their limbs, pressing their fat fluffy bodies next to each other, and purring as they enjoyed the peace and quiet, as well as the company of their companion.

Meanwhile Chara and Frisk upstairs were comfortably resting on their sides, keeping each other wrapped tightly in a hug as they slept with gentle smiles on their faces. Each of them were dreaming about the gifts they had planned to get the other. While Chara dreamt of something extremely special and secretive, they knew they had to privately ask their mother to help them get their item, wrap it, and hide it. Frisk's idea of a gift was the freedom of choice. They wanted to give Chara whatever they wanted, so they first had to figure out what their favorite human wanted.

But, the stress of shopping had no effect on either of them, as for the moment they were resting in each others arms happily, keeping warm by pressing their soft bodies against each other, sharing the heat generated from each other's bodies and sweaters. The squishy hugs they had always brought smiles to their faces, and made falling asleep the best part of the day.

As the light behind the grey overcast beamed down, Chara began to stir lightly in place, their muscles getting a bit sore from remaining in one spot for so long. So, Chara's body shifted to lay on their back, using their grip on Frisk to pull them on top of themselves. Once Chara began Frisk's bed, their grips loosened, and Frisk's face nuzzled Chara's chest happily.

Shortly after, Frisk's eyes began to blink and they woke themselves up. Their tired eyes struggled to keep open, but after a stretch and a yawn, they had no trouble keeping awake. Frisk stretched their arms outwards, bringing them back in as a large bear-hug around Chara, nuzzling their cheek on their chest for extra happiness.

Chara's arms tightened gently around Frisk by their head and back, protecting them and keeping them warm and snug. Frisk really enjoyed how cuddly Chara was. It always made them happy since Frisk was also equally as cuddly, and spending all day in the arms of their loved one was an easy task.

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