Chapter 126: The Promise

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Author's note: I hope no one minds my slowed updates. With school and existing, I get distracted. :3

Plus you all are the reason I slowed down. You actually WANTED me to slow down to keep me happy. It's so nice of you. I love you guys so much. <333 :,,3

It's so great I have a bunch of fluff-appreciating people reading my things. I'm so glad I get to chat with, comment with, and have fun with all of you. :3

And as hard as it is to believe, I'm just a nerd sitting at a computer desk, playing Overwatch or Dark Souls in-between my raging lust for sweet and innocent love. :333

People still argue about my actual gender.


Those who see marriage as a loss of freedom and happiness,

Know not of the true binding of love that is meant to be shared.

You marry to show you wish to be known as a couple, two individuals that agreed that their love is strong enough to survive years of hardship and trials.

You marry to keep someone close.

The gold on your finger is more than just a metal.

It's a piece of your soul.

As Toriel walked down the stairs towards the living room where Chara stole her from, she watched as Chara walked into the kitchen and pulled their breakfast-making lover close, where the two tightly wrapped their arms around each other, nuzzled their faces lovingly, and holding adorably close.

Toriel watched them hug for 30 seconds or so before they split up slightly, Chara rubbed Frisk's cheek then planted a quick smooch on it. Frisk giggled adorably, and Toriel went a bit red. She went down the stairs fully and joined Asgore on the couch. He seemed rather entertained by Toriel's expression.

"You sure do love seeing them be affectionate." Asgore said, nudging Toriel with his elbow.

"They are just so...unimaginably adorable! It's like an angel created them in their image!" Toriel exclaimed excitedly, keeping her voice low to avoid letting the two in the kitchen hear.

Asgore laughed to himself lightly.

"I will agree that those two are indeed meant for each other. They get along so well, and care deeply for one another." He said, mainly focusing on the TV. Toriel couldn't keep her mind off of Chara's plan.

Toriel tried to compose herself and remain calm as she focused back on the TV, but such an important event would be lingering in her mind all day, and for a very long time. She also struggled to avoid divulging Chara's plan to Asgore, since her excitement really gave her a reason to share it, but she respected Chara's wishes to keep it completely hidden. So she sat patiently until Chara and Frisk finished their breakfast so she could take Chara to the jeweler, where they would both look for the perfect ring to give to Frisk.

This would be an extremely important event for both Chara and Frisk, and within Toriel's entire lifetime.

In the kitchen, Chara was watching the toaster while Frisk took care of the bacon on the frying pan. They flipped it when necessary, and made some cute small 'yelp' noises when some grease flew at them, making Chara snicker at Frisk's cuteness. When the food was food, Frisk grabbed two plates, put an equal 3 pieces on each plate, and Chara got the toast when it was done. They buttered it, and gave a piece to Frisk. The two then went to the table/island in the kitchen, sat down, and began eating, occasionally feeding each other the strips of bacon.

In the living room, an ad for Christmas came onto the TV. It showed a tree in the background, decorated with pretty bulbs, lights, and other items of festive spirit. It gave Asgore an idea.

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