Chapter 112: Fluffy Locks

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Author's note: I have a question for you all :3

In your opinion, what was the most enjoyable chapter(s) to you?

Like, if I were to make more of a chapter's contents, which one(s) should I do? :3


When you're in love, you don't see flaws.

The more you love someone, the less you see their flaws.

Because to you, they're perfect.

And you love every part of them.

Frisk and Chara were cleaning themselves up in the early morning, washing themselves off with soothingly warm water in separate showers, and relaxing with the water.

Chara was still tingling as they washed themselves off thoroughly, feeling hot and in-love, having only Frisk on their mind. They smiled as they imagined Frisk's adorable, dorky smile, and their heart felt as happy as they did. They wrapped their arms around themselves, and spun slightly, twisting left and right as they giggled to themselves, feeling extremely happy Frisk was with them every day.

Meanwhile Frisk was in their own shower, putting extra soap on their hand and scrubbing it, as well as the rest of their body.

When both of them finished, Frisk being first like usual, they dried themselves off, and spending extra time on their hair. Since Frisk was done first, they rubbed the towel on their head for a few moments before putting their clothes back on. They then went to the mirror that was hung above the sink. They wiped the fog away and looked at their hair.

"It's getting a bit long...I gotta ask mom about that haircut Chara mentioned once." Frisk thought, running their fingers through their hair and adjusting it the best they could.

After becoming content with their hair, they opened the door and the fresh cool air hit them, refreshing them from the warm and wet air of the steamy shower. They took in a deep breath and happily walked back to their bedroom where they could await Chara. Frisk hopped onto the bed and rolled to the center, where they laid back on their pillow, using their arms as a support. They began waiting patiently for Chara, kicking their foot, humming a small song, and imagining themselves kissing Chara.

And as Frisk waited patiently, Chara turned the shower's water off and stepped out of the steamy waterfall. They stretched and wrapped their towel around their body, running it against their skin and absorbing the water with it. They rubbed their hair, drying it as best they could before looking at it in the mirror, and also needing to ask their mother about a haircut. After they dried themself, they put their undergarments, shorts, undershirt, and sweater back on. They sniffed their green and yellow fabric, and rolled their eyes up in enjoyable when they smelled Frisk's scent on it.

With how often the two are close together and hugging, it wasn't any wonder why Chara's clothes smelled like Frisk, and vice versa.

After Chara hugged themself in their sweater, they exited the steamy room, enjoying the cool air as they walked back into their bedroom. As they stepped inside, Frisk turned their head to the right at the sound of the door, and smiled at they saw Chara in the doorway. Chara returned the bright smile and sped up their walk to the bed, where they climbed next to Frisk, and pulled Frisk onto their lap.

Frisk placed their head on Chara's chest, nuzzling it happily and wrapping their arms around their back. Chara's arms went around Frisk's back and lightly pulled them closer into Chara's chest, holding them tightly and keeping them safe and happy. They felt relaxed and clean, as well as comfortable.

The two were silent for a while, before Frisk decided to talk about their hair length.

"Chara?" Frisk said quietly, muffled by Chara's soft chest.

Chara looked down at Frisk.

From Chara's perspective, all they saw was a puffy brown lump of hair that was hugging them.

"Yeah Frisk?" They replied.

"Is your hair getting long like mine? It feels and looks long when I saw myself in the mirror." Frisk said, nuzzling Chara's chest and giving it a few tiny kisses.

Chara squeezed Frisk lovingly.

"Yeah, mine's a bit long. I told you before that mom cut my hair since my first few days in the underground, so she can do us both. You basically have my hairstyle, apart from your hair being a bit fuzzier, and mine is more straight." They said.

"You're not exactly very straight." Frisk said jokingly.

Chara's body flinched suddenly and they laughed with a muffle. Frisk felt the jolt of movement and felt proud of their joke. The two squeezed together happily.

"Well. You're not wrong. Or straight either." Chara joked back.

Chara felt Frisk giggling, and heard their adorable laughter. Frisk's pure innocent and adorable laugh made Chara blush all over, and smile brightly.

"I love you so much you big dork." Frisk said, rubbing their cheek on Chara's chest like a cat.

Chara bent their upper body slightly to make as much contact for their appreciation hug as they could.

"I love you too." They replied.

After a moment of silence, Frisk leaned back and got off of laying on top of Chara. They turned themselves around and laid back against Chara's chest, putting Frisk's head just slightly above Chara's tummy. Chara's thin layer of puppy-fat made them a nice pillow.

Frisk reached their hands up to Chara's face and they placed their open-palms on Chara's cheeks.

"I love this human. This Chara is mine and I love this Chara. They're so cute and pretty and adorable and smoochable. I love them." Frisk said, smushing Chara's cheeks in circles as they complimented Chara.

Chara smiled as Frisk adorably played with them. Chara knew how cute they looked with their natural pink blush, and how much Frisk loved it. They saw it as a way to look nicer for Frisk, and loved Frisk's reactions.

Chara placed their hands on Frisk's cheek in return, and smiled with a loving stare downwards, letting their hair fall slightly down, but out of reach of Frisk's face.

"I love this adorable, small, cute, and beautiful Frisk. Frisk to me is the most perfect little angel, and I'm so happy they love me. They are the best snuggler I've ever seen, and I love the heck out of them. Frisk is my favorite person ever. I love them." Chara said slowly, gently touching Frisk's face affectionately as they did so.

"Awww. I love you too Chara. You're so sweet and cute dang it. You're melting my heart." Frisk said, leaning forward and sitting on their knees to Chara's left. 

"You melt my heart by just being near me." Chara said.

Frisk smiled and them sat on their bottom. They leaned onto Chara's left shoulder, using their left hand to hold Chara's shoulder as they leaned softly. Frisk's right hand went around Chara's back and held them by the side. Frisk's leg went across and above Chara's so they were nearly sitting on their lap. Chara's arms held Frisk's back and lower left side, pulling them lovingly close, and beginning their cuddle session.

"It's still early as heck. I guess we're taking a nap and asking mom for a haircut in the morning? Or at least more morning?" Frisk whispered. Chara hummed in confirmation.

"Great. Sleepy times best times." Frisk said, nuzzling Chara.

Chara squeezed Frisk and kissed the side of their head. They leaned their own head against Frisk's, and shut their eyes. The two relaxed together, awaiting the morning sun to greet them with it's holy golden rays.

Sleepy times best times.

Goat mom best mom.


The Cutieknight complex.

The cutie wishes to rest and get more energy to write, but also feels 'lazy' and 'neglectful of their audience' when they don't actually rest.

So they push as hard as they can to make a cute but uneventful filler chapter which they are unsure the audience likes.

The cutie is still resting but made this to say 'hey I'm not dead please let me rest :.3'.

Thanks guys. x3 <3

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