Chapter 161: Practice for the Future

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Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to badbloodkiller. He requested a birthday chapter, and I fulfill! :3

Enjoy~ :3


Though the two are too young currently,

They plan to grow up with wedding bonds donning their left hands.

But, before they can,

They must understand what they will go through.

Having enjoyed a delicious star-lit dinner together under the Valentine's day moon, Chara and Frisk were asleep in their beds, carried there once Asgore noticed they forgot to shut the backyard door, and found them asleep in the cold. He put out the candle and carried the two to their bed, where they snuggled together and he tucked them in.

When the morning sun shone through the window, leaving a square of glowing sunlight in their room to illuminate their room, Chara slowly woke up from a beautiful dream, discontent that the glowing sunlight forced her out of her dream of marrying her loving wife that slept next to her at the moment.

In the dream that had repeated in Chara's head so many times, Frisk was walking down the aisle in her beautiful white and blue dress, approaching Chara at the altar with a beautiful smile on her face. Frisk would step up to her loving wife and smile at her while holding her bouquet of golden flowers, gazing into the ruby-red eyes of her wife. A being without identification began to read incomprehensible things off of a blank book, and Frisk would reply softly, in the most angelic voice Chara had ever heard.

"I do."

Chara would hear background noise only as she reached to hold Frisk's soft, glove-covered hands. Her small hands held tightly onto Chara's equally small and cute hands as the two stared deeply into each other's eyes. Soon, the background reading came to another pause, and Chara responded happily.

"I do."

One short follow-up by the being before Chara and Frisk pulled together to kiss yet again, with the dream ending right as their lips met. Chara groaned softly in disappointment, wishing that the dream didn't end that fast. Moving on from that thought, the constant replay that haunted her mind in the best kind of way play yet again, of imaging herself and Frisk walking down the aisle on the day of their wedding.

Chara exhaled and looked left, seeing Frisk sleeping softly and breathing gently. Watching this soft repeat several times and smiling due to how cute Frisk looked, Chara leaned forward and kissed her, watching Frisk's faced receive a bright red blush and a smile. Content, Chara patted her softly and stood up, heading out of her door and down the stairs. She skipped visiting her parents and gazed outside, where their tent and objects had been cleaned up.

Smiling, her mind plays the scene once again, and fitting her staring trance, her mind fills in the backyard with the scene, imaging herself standing in the health grass with the blades between her feet, gently poking her as she stared at Frisk walking towards her. The wind would blow gently against them, moving their hair softly in rhythm to the soft, chilly wind. There was a burning desire to re-enact her dream with her future wife, and Chara rushed quietly up to the living room, where Toriel and Asgore were sitting quietly. They both turned to look at Chara once she approached.

"Good morning, Chara. Would you care for some breakfast on this fine morning?" Asgore offered in a kind, aged voice that the family had come to permanently know. Chara smiled but wasn't hungry. Her goal was something entirely different.

"Thanks, but I'm more in the mood for a bunch of flowers. Do you have a spare bouquet or something around, dad?" She asked excitedly. Toriel giggled happily and whispered to her husband, finding a bit of humor in the scene.

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