Chapter 139: Amor in Fenestra

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Author's note: Thanks for the questions everyone. :3

"Window to Love" :3


A window to another's love can be a mixture of emotions.

For some, jealousy might arise, envious fools asking why they can't have what another two do, possibly blaming themselves falsely.

For the individuals with hope, they know that their own other half will come to them eventually.

Patience is important, for both waiting for your loved one, and for their flaws.

Because true love isn't loving because the other is perfect, but in spite of the fact that they're not.

Frisk had previously invited her fans on a social media site to ask her and Chara some questions, and while she waited for them to pour in, she and Chara were getting up to make some tea.

Frisk's phone was set down on her end-table, and lighting up each time a question blinked in, but she didn't notice as she was pulling Chara towards the bedroom door, and out into the hallway. They headed down the stairs, and turned into the kitchen.

"I'll grab the packets and all that. You can sit if you want, cutie-pie." Frisk offered.

Chara walked over to the sink, and leaned against her right arm on the counter.

Frisk reached above the counter to the left of Chara, and grabbed two mugs. In the corner of the kitchen was the kettle, and she handed it to Chara, who emptied the leftover water, and refilled it with the sink. Frisk took it back after and placed it on its holder, turning on the switch and waiting for it to begin boiling. 

Chara grabbed the golden-flower tea packets and placed one in each of the mug, ready for the water. The two only had to wait for the water to boil.

Frisk's eyes widened for a second, and looked over to Chara. She noticed the strange look on Frisk's face.

"What's up?" Chara asked.

Frisk put her hand behind her head and rubbed it awkwardly.

"Well, uh..." Frisk said, nervously.

Chara raised an eyebrow.

"I thought know... " Frisk paused again.

"Your 'accident' you wouldn't want anything to do with Golden Flowers anymore..." She said slowly, bringing her arms to her hands and looking around the kitchen nervously.

Chara smiled and raised both of her eyebrows. She then walked over to Frisk, slipped her arms under Frisk's, and snuggled her close, kissing her cheek as well. She pulled away after and looked into Frisk's eyes with a comforting expression.

"I'm waaaay over that by now. I'm kinda alive due to you now, and the flowers smell nice and taste better when processed for tea, so I'm good." Chara said, hugging Frisk tightly again.

Frisk let out a breath of anxiety and relief, and hugged her wife back.

"Okay good, because I didn't want to give you PTSD or something from a liquid." Frisk joked. She felt Chara laughing a small bit.

Frisk heard the kettle switch flick itself off, meaning the water was boiling and ready. She let go of the hug, grabbed the kettle, and poured the water into the mugs. After each was filled, both of the girls began dipping the packets in the water until their mug contents began turning a golden shade of yellow. 

"Let's slowly take these back upstairs to cool before we drink them. It's probably too hot right now." Frisk said, looking over and seeing Chara already sipping hers.

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