Chapter 127: Proposal

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Author's note: Thanks to the wonderful and lovely Zoeysnowy for yet another beautiful cover. :3 ♡

And thanks to everyone who reads this story. Much appreesh. :3 ♡

Also yes, Blossoming Angel is still active. I've just been pouring Christmas love into this story, which is my absolute favorite. :333


Today, they bond in love, in soul, in spirit.

Every cloud has its silver lining.

Heaven's silver crafts the silver rings of love.

Today, two lovers share that silver.

A fortnight prior to the special day of Christmas, Chara and Frisk spent the day doing their own things. While Frisk and Asgore left the house to pick up a Christmas tree, lights for their house, and several decorations for around the house, Chara and Toriel left to go to Gerson's Jewelry store where Chara picked up a silver and ruby matching ring set, an item they planned to propose (for the third time) to Frisk with on Christmas.

After picking up the ring, Chara and Toriel spent time at home together, bonding as mother and daughter, and waiting for the rest of the family to return. When Frisk returned from the cold, they sought and found warmth within their lover, hugging them tightly and re-heating themselves while Asgore brought in all of the decorations. While he set up the lights outside, the family inside decorated the tree and parts of the house. It all looked very festive, and was well worth the exhausting effort.

After everything was set, the family went to bed to continue on with life.

Since Christmas was a time to spend with close, personal family, the Dreemurr's used the time before Christmas to invite every one of Frisk's closest friends over for a big dinner, similar to Thanksgiving. Everyone brought their own dish, sat at a big table in the kitchen, and dug into the massive pot-luck.

There was turkey, potatoes, stuffing, lasagna, Caesar salad, cheesy macaroni, spaghetti, Kimchi and sushi, and of course cherry cheesecake as dessert. Everyone ate to what they needed and were extremely pleased with the meal.

All throughout the delicious food, everyone talked. Frisk's old friends caught up with their life and refreshed them all about how everyone was doing.

Sans and Alphys managed to get a job together at a biology center. They avoided specifics, since it was probably a bit too scientific for the dinner table. Papyrus still managed to improve his already quite improved pasta, which he was earning himself a reputable name as a chef for. Undyne was taking part in some organized fighting sports, as well as coaching people into shape, violently. Mettaton and Napstablook were still musical partners, travelling the world, introducing humans to monster music. Asgore and Toriel were still known for working at the school.

And finally, Chara and Frisk were known for being quite in-love. Mostly due to their birthday parties.

After a bit of more chatting, everyone returned home, the family cleaned up, and lived normally for the next few days. The real excitement began when Chara and Frisk woke up on Christmas Eve.

With the coming special day, the snow fell a bit harder than usual, ensuring pleasantly-high piles of white fluffy scattered across lawns and islands of the earth. Workers of the city pressed on to keep the roads clear and ice-free, allowing un-prepared parents and friends to buy gifts without having to worry about slipping, to say nothing of the many, many people out shopping around these times.

Luckily, Asgore and Toriel had already done their shopping, each going to a different store with a list of what to get each other from personal preference, and a split-list of what to get Chara and Frisk. Chara already had their gift for Frisk, but Frisk's gift was yet to be revealed.

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