Chapter 79: Frozen in Time

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Author's note: :3

Zoeysnowy is shipped with me now. <3 :3


Within your arms, I feel only love.

Delicate and precious, like a dove.

There is always so much I will give too,

Because you know I'll always love you.


Chara and Frisk had finished kissing, hugging, and showing love to each other, and remained holding close after their vigor had left them. Their position had Chara laying on their back on the couch, with Frisk on top of them, nuzzling their chest. Chara's arms held Frisk's upper and lower back, and Frisk's arms had earlier moved to place their hands on Chara's chest lightly.

Frisk's head was turned to the right, resting softly on Chara's chest, along with their hands. They rubbed their face on Chara occasionally, doing their usual shows of affection and love, as well as exfoliating their face on how soft and comfortable Chara was. In addition to their softness, Frisk also loved knowing they were showing affection to Chara, since they were the most important thing in Frisk's life.

Frisk had asked for them to take a nap where they were, and Chara was more than happy to oblige. They snuggled close together, laid silently and still, and their eyelids quickly began to feel heavy. The dreams flowed in, and within their minds began to play fantasies.

Within Chara's mind, a dream began playing of themselves, sitting upright in a house different from their own, while the moon was shining brightly outside. Chara looked around. To their left was a large window, letting them see all of the outdoors, and what they could see from the illumination of their room and the moon, were thick, soft, slow-falling flakes of snow descending from the heavens down to the white-covered ground. Further back outside were tree's, covered with snow and remaining still. Slightly to the right was a fireplace, steadily burning and producing a soft, calming orange light across the room. Further right were bookcases, an end table, a cabinet filled with pictures, and miscellaneous wall decorations. Chara themselves were sitting in an 'L' couch identical to the one they were laying on in real life. Chara sat upright, and in their arms they were holding Frisk tightly.

Frisk was sleeping on Chara, hugging them gently with their face resting just below Chara's neck. Frisk was snuggled right up to Chara, and was completely passed out. Chara could feel Frisk's breathing on their arms as their chest expanded and shrank with each breath. Chara's arms moved with Frisk's chest, and they held on comfortably. 

Chara looked down to see Frisk smiling in their sleep as they laid softly against Chara. Gentle locks of hair fell over Frisk's adorable sleeping face, and Chara stared at them and tilted their head with a smile. Chara brought up their left hand and slowly fanned away the hair from their face, and once they moved it, they cupped Frisk's cheek and ran their thumb over it. Chara saw Frisk blush from the touch, and Chara blushed themselves. Chara placed their hand back around Frisk's back, and squeezed them. Their vision returned to watching the outside world.

The snow was falling gently to the ground all around their house. The gentle orange light of the fire lit the area around the home, giving it an orange aura. The moon was full, and casting a glow of white over the snowy forest. Two lovers were alone in their house, grown up and living out in the peaceful snowy lands together, enjoying the peace and tranquility of each other's presence being the only thing they had,

And the only thing they lived for.

While Chara dreamt of a snowy cabin in the woods, Frisk was enjoying their dream of making out with Chara on a large, fluffy, and expensive-looking bed. The two were in a mansion of sorts, filled with intricate decorations and designs, books, games, and many other things. The two were in their bedroom, with Chara laying back against the fluffy bed and Frisk using their elbows to hold themselves up as they kissed Chara. Chara wrapped their arms around Frisk's back and pulled them down. Frisk's arms slid behind Chara and held them as they both got further and further into the kisses. Their dream intensified how good the feelings of the kisses were to a level un-obtainable in the physical world. Their moans were silent due to the dream, but Frisk knew in their mind they were very loud. 

When Frisk leaned back to catch their breath slightly, Chara's arms began slipping up Frisk's sweater, and slid along their sides and stomach, feeling every inch and curve of Frisk. Frisk blushed and did the same to Chara, and they both had smiles and bright blushes. Frisk leaned back down and resumed the kissing, but the two also continued to grope each other's bodies happily. Frisk's hands slid up to Chara's chest area and squeezed and rubbed the areas several times. Frisk knew with every squeeze Chara was moaning. They smiled but continued to kiss, and their dream continued on in that fashion the entire way.

They were both dreaming of each other, and making each other happy.

Except while Chara's dream was peaceful and cute, Frisk was just fulfilling their thirst for affection and intense intimacy.

Two hours of napping later, Frisk woke up after the climax of their dream. They could feel the heat on their face, and lifted their head up to look at Chara. Chara was still asleep, and they gently giggled at them. They laid their head back on Chara's chest, rubbed their hand in circles on them, and thought to themselves,

"I love you so much you adorable, squishy nerd."

Frisk nuzzled their face affectionately on Chara's chest and laid silently there as they waited for Chara to awaken. They wrapped their arms around Chara's back and squeezed them as hard as they could. They felt Chara squeezing back, but they somehow did not awaken. Chara didn't awaken half an hour later, and so Frisk gently unwound themselves from Chara's loving grasp, gave them their sweater to hug, which Chara instantly squeezed tight, and then Frisk went into the kitchen to grab a snack. Frisk's choice of snack was pill-shaped red cinnamon-flavored candies. Once Frisk grabbed it, they walked over to the living room and sat on the couch.

As Frisk slowly ate their 'tamales', they looked outside and saw it was already dark. They turned their head towards the clock above the TV and saw it read '10:28 PM', which surprised them, since they didn't expect to have slept so long with Chara. They shrugged it off regardless, since the time or date meant nothing to them.

Frisk was lucky to be able to wake up, cuddle all day, and fall asleep cuddling if they wanted without any restrictions or massive responsibilities.

They sat for a while before getting the idea of setting up a movie marathon that would last themselves and Chara the entire night. So, as Frisk waited for Chara to awaken, they stacked movies in order of which they would be watched, and turned on a cartoon until Chara awoke. 

Another half hour later, Chara still didn't awaken. Frisk got up and went over to Chara to check on them. They were still breathing, so they were safe, but they just didn't want to awaken it seemed. In response, Frisk got on top of Chara, and nuzzled them again. Chara's arms placed Frisk's sweater behind them and wrapped their arms on Frisk once they sensed Frisk was on them. The two hugged together, and Frisk waited patiently.

When Chara didn't awaken again, Frisk scooted themselves up on Chara, brought their face close to their neck, and brought their tongue out. Frisk placed it at the bottom of Chara's neck, and at soon as it touched, Chara flinched. Frisk began to drag it extremely slowly up Chara, and they began to moan from it. Frisk felt Chara tighten their grip, and they were hugging Frisk very tightly.

By the time Frisk got to the top of Chara's neck, they lifted their head and saw Chara's eyes open, and a very bright flush of red across their face. Frisk giggled at them, and Chara returned a strained smile. Strong and pleasant feelings were still present in Chara, so they had to force the smile.

"Hiya Frisky." Chara said quietly.

"Hello my love." Frisk said, nuzzling Chara's chest yet again.

Frisk waited a moment before saying,

"Wanna come watch a movie marathon with me? I'm not tired anymore because of the nap, and I wanna be cuddled as we watch stuff together." Frisk said excitedly. Chara snickered at their excitement. 

"Sure. Let's do it." Chara said. 

They both got up and Frisk helped Chara up. Frisk put their sweater back on and Chara wiped their neck of saliva. They laughed at each other and went over to the living room couch where they sat down, cuddled close, and Frisk turned on the movies. They watched them well into the night, and nearing the end, it was a fight to stay awake.

Chara hoped their dream would come true one day.

Frisk's dream came true almost every day.


Depending on my mood, something fun might be planned tomorrow. :3

Happy Sunday. :3

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