Chapter 67: Social Spotlight

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Author's note: A request fulfilled. :3

Someone bugged me to open a Patreon, and I'm curious if I should post the link to you guys? :3

(It is 100% un-necessary. I am very well-off, but if you feel the wish to donate to me, I'll share the link.) :3


A love like a fire,

Burns brightly throughout the night,

Never going out.

A night like any other, Frisk and Chara sleep on equal levels while holding each other tightly in their arms. Tingles and warmth flowed through them both as they held their most precious treasure, and a re-assuring feeling of safety carried them to sleep quickly.

Their love was the strongest kind. A bond so tight, not even the strongest of opposition would break it. A mere touch of one another made their hearts warm up happily, and their souls relax and feel tranquility. The sight of each other was like witnessing divinity itself. To them, they had no flaws in each other, and that they were perfect the way they were.

Within each other arm's held Heaven on earth.

They slept together in harmony, enjoying the quiet and peace of the morning, and the toasty embrace of arms wrapped around one another.

Their faces laid closely next to each other, and they could gently feel the warmth of each other's soft breaths. Chara's arms held Frisk's upper and lower back gently, and they pulled Frisk closer to themselves. Frisk's arms went underneath Chara's and softly grabbed their shoulders. Frisk also had a tight pull on Chara, aching to have Chara as close to them as possible. Their presence was extremely comforting, and having their body pressed against Frisk, reminding them that Chara was close by, made them feel peaceful.

Frisk's unconscious body smiled, knowing Chara was nearby. They snuggled as close as they could to Chara, and rubbed their cheek against Chara's softly. Chara responded by tightening their cuddle on Frisk. Both of their legs also rubbed against each other.

Their fingers individually varied pressure against the location they rested, and due to their sleepy forms, it was some of their most gentle and affection touch. Each bit of pressure caused tingles.

The two were extremely happy to fall asleep in each other's arms every night, and they cherished every moment of it.

As much as they loved being asleep together, their bodies only needed so much rest before it decided to get up on it's own.

Frisk and Chara awoke at them same time, and instantly, their eyes met, and they both smiled.

The two leaned forward and kissed each other. They held their extremely tender and pleasurable kiss for several moments, all the while tightening their gentle grasps on one another. They pulled away, and the tingles present were very strong. Frisk then spoke up.

"Good morning, my precious Chara."

Chara gently smiled.

"Good morning, Frisky." Chara said, leaning their head against Frisk's.

The two hugged tightly before sitting up, and letting their legs fall off of the bed. The two sat on the edge of the bed, continued to wake up, and adjusted to the morning light.

Frisk then turned to Chara and asked,

"Wanna go watch TV until we think of something to do today?"

Chara nodded.

Frisk stood up with Chara. Chara raised their arms above their head holding their left elbow with their right hand, and stretched. While Chara lifted their shirt, Frisk took advantage and wrapped their arms around the exposed flesh while placing their chin on Chara's shoulder, and kissing their neck lightly. Chara giggled and blushed.

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