Chapter 97: The Universal Medicine

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Author's note: Partyjunkie, or 'Lazysmolartist' created this beautiful thing, and even though I may have used it already, it still deserves some recognition. :3



What joy cannot be found within the arms of someone you love?

Is there nothing that a tight embrace cannot repair?

Any and all issues can be solved with a simple hug.

Even if the issue is that you haven't been hugged in nearly seven minutes.

Frisk and Chara were inside the game-room, holding closely, and taking a conscious nap.

For the moment, they were snuggling tightly, feeling proud of their bakery creation, and how successful it turned out. Each of them was very proud of the other, and pleased with the outcome of their creation.

Chara lifted their head slightly and opened their eyes. They turned and looked out the window, and watched the outside world. The wind was calm today, and the trees moved only slightly along with it. A few leaves were seen blowing, following the path of the breeze, and eventually landing on the ground. The leaves on the trees were turning their Autumn colors finally, creating living art among nature. The feeling of Autumn was strong, and it's chilly feeling was out-powered by the warmth of love.

Chara turned back to Frisk, who had their eyes shut, and looked like they were napping, but were actually just relaxing. Chara brought their left hand up from Frisk's right side, and held Frisk's face. Frisk opened their eyes and looked up at Chara with a smile. Frisk's beautiful and adorable smile warmed up Chara's heart immensely, and they smiled back.

"You're so pretty, Frisk." Chara said, deeply and eternally in love.

"Thanks. You're just as beautiful, and adorable." They replied.

The two tightened their hold on each other, and squeezed lovingly. The warm and tight hug was immensely satisfying and perfect. The feeling of holding someone warm, soft, and beautiful, squishing them softly in your grip, was almost breath-taking. They both felt such immense comfort being close to each other, and spending time alone, and touching one another was such a pleasure.

"I'm so lucky to have such a cuddly partner." Frisk said, nuzzling Chara.

Chara giggled slightly.

"I know the feeling. It's really nice how all we need to do is cuddle all the time to stay happy." Chara said.

Frisk squirmed very slightly, just to exfoliate themselves against Chara.

"It's so perfect. We can just cuddle day and night, never get tired of it, and always love it." Frisk said, feeling very happy.

"Life is good." Chara stated.

"It is with you." Frisk added.

Chara blushed slightly, and got a small laugh. They appreciated how incredibly perfect Frisk was to them.

"Do you ever wonder how we'd be if we were somehow separated?" Chara asked.

Frisk looked up at Chara.

"Never, because it would be a bad thought. If we were separated, it would end like the last time we were. Crying and being incredibly upset." Frisk said softly.

Chara made a noise of contemplation.

"Yeah. It makes me appreciate how we get to be together so much. Mom and dad love us being together, we get along so well, and we are usually always holding close. It's really, really nice." Chara said, free of any worries.

Frisk nuzzled on Chara protectively, and lovingly.

"You're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, and will ever happen to me. I wanna marry you someday, and be just as cuddly and happy as I am right now. You're my whole world, and reason to live. I wouldn't be happy without you." Frisk said, snuggling Chara all throughout.

Chara was happily surprised. 

"And you mean everything to me too. We are engaged technically, from the beautiful night on the lake. I really look forward to marrying you as well, even if we are a bit too young at the moment. I dream about it pretty often though." Chara said, replaying their dreams in their head.

"Really? What happens in the dream?" Frisk asked, looking up with the most adorable curiosity Chara had ever seen.

After staring at Frisk's adorable expression, giving them compliments in their head, and loving them for every bit of their personality, Chara told what little they remember from their dreams.

"Well, the dream I remember the most was me at the end of a hallway covered in white, with pillars and decorations all in white, with buttercup flowers all over. I stood near an arch by a pedestal in my old suit, waiting. You came into view in the most beautiful dress I have ever seen in my life. The dream flashed forward to me agreeing to the marriage, and I woke up when we kissed." Chara explained.

Frisk looked like they were about to cry from happiness.

"Oh my god I had a similar dream like that, but from my perspective. You looked so nice and the kiss was the best thing ever. We dreamed about our own wedding together. I love you so much Chara!" Frisk said excitedly, before squeezing Chara with all the strength they had.

"We really are meant for each other, aren't we? It's really amazing how we found each other. You gave me life and a reason to live, and I give you love, endless amounts of it." Chara said, nuzzling Frisk.

"And dang, you sure are good at giving it." Frisk said, making them both giggle adorably.

"Thanks Frisk. You're awesome too. You're like my own teddy-bear, cuddly and soft...the best thing to hug while falling asleep." Chara said, smiling.

"And you're the best bed. Even comes with built-in pillows." Frisk added, making Chara blush immensely.

The two sat in silence for a few moments, before a thought crossed Frisk's mind.

" you wanna do anything else today?"

Chara didn't respond for a moment, and then proceeded to lean their head on Frisk and close their eyes. Chara also squeezed Frisk lovingly.

"I'm pretty happy with just cuddling." They said.

Frisk jokingly rolled their eyes.

"Of course. Because you're such a soft and cuddly nerd."

Chara groaned in agreement.

"God. I love you so much Chara." Frisk said, giggling through-out.

Frisk felt a warm, soft kiss on their left cheek.

"I love you too." 


Sorry for the later update. I've been following this 'Sombra' thing on the Blizzard forums for a while. x3

Also, major apologies for how poor this chapter is. I had literally no ideas, and I am extremely tired. Please forgive. :,3 

It was even hard to break the 1000 word minimum I palced for myself.

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