Chapter 48

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You're In Love- Taylor Swift

Ryder's POV

As I wake the first thing my eyes focus on is the handsome man deep in slumber beside me. Harry's lips are parted as his chest rises and falls at a slow pace with a few pieces of his hair resting on his forehead. My eyes flicker over to the clock by the lamp and I innerly curse knowing that I have to get ready for work.

Carefully I try to move to climb out of bed without disturbing him, trying to untangle my legs from Harry's but it has the opposite effect. I stop when I feel him stir and a second after he takes in a deep breath as his eyes flutter open.

He smiles as soon as he focuses on me, his eyes shining a light shade of green with the warm early morning light shining though the window.

"Hi." Harry mutters, his voice deep and groggy making the muscles in my belly clench together.

"Hi." I mutter back as he turns his body to the side before propping himself onto his elbow.

He looks down at me, his fingers running through his unruly chocolate brown hair. I gaze up at him and watch as Harry's eyes follow the trail he makes with his index finger, first swiping down my nose, down my cheek and along my jaw before his eyes flicker to mine while gently grasps my chin between his fingers.

"What?" I mutter, confused by the way he was looking at me. Harry shakes his head.

"You're my best friend." He softly replies and I smile even though I felt slightly confused at his sweet confession. But before I could ask what he exactly means by it, he speaks.

"I might be home late today." Harry says with a small frown.

"That's okay." I reply, knowing full well he has a lot to do at work by his absence yesterday. Leaning down he presses a soft kiss on my lips.

"I better go shower." He mutters and I nod. While he gets out of bed, I do the same, taking one of the sheets with me to cover myself while I go and dig for my outfit in the closet. As I walk towards the end of the bed, I squeal as Harry easily scoops me up into his arms before swiftly turning around.

"What are you doing?" I giggle as he begins to walk towards the bathroom.

"It's more environmental if we shower together princess." I giggle once more and my stomach erupts into butterflies as he steps into the bathroom, closing the door behind him with his foot.

Harry's POV

"How is Ryder doing?" James asks as I stop the car at a red light.

"She is fine." I nod. "I really am glad you went to go see her. It clearly meant a lot to her."

"She is my daughter, she means a lot to me. I'm just very happy we finally solved our issues out and-"

James is cut off short by the radio, a male speaking in an authoritative tone.

"All units please report to the Metro bank, there is a robbery in progress. Two suspects, holding hostages at gun point. I repeat, all units report to the Metro bank."

I look over at James once the radio command ends.

"Go for it kid." He smirks and I smile quickly turning on the siren and police lights on the top of the car before stepping on the gas and making a sharp left turn.

Ryder's POV

"So how are things going over at Harry's?" Hannah asks, as I began writing down notes for an article I have to do this week on my computer.

Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now