63; polarize

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another one!

my sister just graduated college, and she is onto her dreams


leaves me to be the last one in my family to graduate two more times (high school rn) (6/24/17)

rn, just binged on josh and tyler's debate when they were gonna tattoo their names onto each other

legit felt a little anxious to try it, but... 

that's probs not gonna be my first tattoo of someone else's name on me first

let's continue on story


Violet's P.O.V.


We, as in Josh, Tyler, Jenna, Jade and I, were on our way to adventure to having a vacation for a little while since it was gonna be perfect.

Place for vacation?

Orlando, Florida.

By the time we got there, we were sorta expecting the weather to be hot and dry, and Jade blocked the sun from her eyes before saying "Oh... I didn't know the weather would be this bad."

"What do you mean, bad?" Jenna said confused.

"She doesn't like sun," I told Jenna. "She's more of the rain drizzle and cloudy weather than it being all perky and nice outside."

Jade nodded before adding "Sorry for being depressing like that. I'll try to do some tanning."

She walked over to the hotel all of us were staying that, and we followed along to get to the rooms and get everything all laid out.

We weren't gonna unpack since we weren't gonna unpack and get new clothes back in Ohio, oh no. This was just to hang out with Jade, or originally just the four of us, so she could feel better about this whole situation with her band. Hopefully it would pay off so good.

"What should we do on the first day here in Orlando?" Tyler asked all of us while we sat on the beds.

"Well.. we could do something fun," I said while leaning onto Josh. "Probably find something adventurous."

"Hmm... what is fun out here?" Jenna pondered.

Jade looked so confused and looked at all of us like we were stupid. 

"Do you know what I'm thinking?" she asked Tyler.

Tyler nodded and smiled at her. "You guys really don't know?"

"Is it Universal Studios?" I raised my hand.

"YES!" Jade and Tyler shouted in unison.

Josh's P.O.V.

Well, I feel like an idiot.


I was walking around to see the cool things around Universal Studios with Violet holding onto me most of the time. Tyler and Jenna were being kids with themselves while Jade kept quiet and was on her phone.

"Hey," I said.

Jade looked from her phone at me.

"You enjoying the time?"

Jade nodded before sighing and putting her phone away. "It's just hot, that's all."

Violet looked at her before saying "You should've worn your high waist shorts with your flannel. That could've looked good."

Jade nodded before moving her short hair out of the way and gasped.

"Ice cream!" she smiled. "I'm gonna go some. You guys want any?"

"I'm good," I said.

Violet raised her hand and said "Usual flavor."

Jade nodded before running off, leaving me and Violet in the crowd.

"Usual flavor?" I asked Violet.

She looked at me before saying "Cookies 'n Cream."

I raised my eyebrows before saying "I like my cookies in my cream."

Violet laughed so loudly in her soft voice before gasping for air to breath, and I helped her out while smiling brightly with her giggling voice going all over.

"You did not... just say that..!" she said through laughter and holding her stomach. "Oh my god!"

I smiled before seeing the few people that looked like fans. "It's all good, she's just laughing at a joke."

"You're Violet and Josh! Oh my gosh!" the girl in the white shirt said. "Can we get a picture? Please?"

Violet coughed before motioning them over for a selfie before Violet started giggling more and more before Tyler said "Wait for us!"

We all looked to see him running before Jenna walked slowly over to the group before we took the photo and said bye to the fans.

Jade came back with a cone before saying "I got your cone."

"Goodie!" Violet said taking it and licking the melting parts.

She glanced over at me while I was smiling, and she giggled before covering her mouth with her hand with the stupid joke I said.

"What? What we missed?" Tyler said.

Violet's P.O.V.

I love Josh so much.


i just realized about that line josh said

this part was a little short since i touched back with a old game




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