3~ The Devil Boss

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'Zafar Sir, was talking about the Singhal project. He said he had given you the task.' Ejaz said. His tone confident and firm. Anah is feeling even more nervous, such is his presence. She fumbled with her designs. Ejaz looked at her with his eyebrows raised. Anah smiled nervously at him, he continued to look sternly.

'Sir...Sir...this...de-des-g...'she stammered and fumbled. She mentally kicked herself. Ejaz grabbed the sheet from her hand and looked at it. Anah gulped.

He looked at the design carefully. Anah kept looking at him nervously. Ejaz's face hid behind the huge sized trace paper. Anah tapped her feet and bit her lower lip. Ejaz placed the paper down and stood up adjusting his coat. His eyes still on the paper. Anah is ready with other designs too, in case he doesn't like the first design.

Ejaz picked up the paper and looked at her. She smiled nervously at him. He didn't, he maintained the stern expression on his face.

He kept looking at her and tore the paper into two. Anah's mouth dropped open.

'What did you do? Are you mad?' Anah said sounding aghast.

'Keep the rest of the designs and leave.' he said dryly. Anah glared at him and refused to leave. She needed answers. That design he just tore was her hard work. She had been working day and night for it and so easily he tore it. So mercilessly.

'Zafar sir had said the design was good. He told to make some changes and that I did...'Anah said. She fought hard to prevent her tears. Ejaz didn't melt. He sat in his seat and looked up at her. She stood confidently.

'I am not Zafar sir. The design was pathetic. Moreover, I don't think I need to justify my actions to you.' Ejaz said simply.

Anah's lips trembled, tears brimmed in her eyes. She simply nodded her head and left. She didn't want him, the monster, to see her weak side.


The moment she had seen him, she knew he was bad news. She wasn't getting good vibes from him. Initially, she felt nothing for him but after what he just did, she knew she hates him. Anah rushed to the ladies washroom and locked herself up in a cubicle. She leaned against the door and placed her palm over her mouth to muffle her cry.

Luckily, no one was in the washroom to interrupt her or show her sympathy or pity. Anah hates anyone showing her pity or sympathy.

After good ten minutes of crying, she washed her face and fixed herself and left the washroom.

As she came out, she dashed into a woman. She looked up and saw Ipshita standing in front of her. Ipshita looked at Anah and realized something was wrong.

'Hey, what happened?' Ipshita asked concerned. Anah doesn't reply, she feared she will cry if she spoke especially to Ipshita. So, she simply shook her head and walked away. Ipshita didn't pester her, she respected the fact that Anah doesn't want to talk to her now. She knows Anah for three years now, and knowing her, Ipshita knew she will eventually talk.


'Hey! It's 6.30pm. Let's leave' Ipshita said standing up. Anah turned her head and looked at the wall clock. She shook her head sideways. Ipshita frowned.

'Devil Boss didn't like my designs. I have to remake them.' Anah said sadly. Ipshita placed her hand on her shoulder

'So, did he say what was wrong?'

Anah shook her head, 'He said he doesn't have to give any justifications to me.' Anah said. This man, the devil boss, is so arrogant and snobbish.

'Arghh...I hate him' Anah expressed her displeasure. Ipshita said nothing, she squeezed her shoulder assuring her that she is there for her.

'You leave, I will come little later' Anah said

'Shall I book a cab for you?'

'No, I will manage'

Ipshita hesitantly bid her good bye and left. Anah watched her leave, sadly. Once Ipshita left, Anah turned her attention back to work at hand.

Anah felt sadder as she heard her colleagues dispersing slowly. Today is Friday, everyone is making their weekend plan and here she is, Anah, stuck in re-designing the designs she had already sacrificed weeks of her sleep for.


Gosh, guys, Ejaz is indeed a devil boss. What do you guys think? 

Poor Anah *heartbreak emoji*

What are your thoughts on the chapter? Drop in your comments and let me know :)

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