36~ Make a Decision Anah

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There is a hint about the future track in this chapter. Let's see if you guys find out what it is ;) 

Do comment your guess, let's see who gets it right *sunglasses emoji*


Anah had her food quickly and washed her face, adjusted her dress and hurried to meet Ejaz. She came to the backyard. There is medium sized pool with few people in it. This place is less crowded and slightly dimmer than rest of the place. She scanned the place and found Ejaz sitting on one of the white long chairs and drinking beer from the can. Anah walked towards him.

'Hello, sir.' She said sitting on the empty chair beside him. Ejaz looked at her and shifted placing his can on the ground. They passed smiles at each other.

There is silence between them. Anah clasped her palms together and stared at it while Ejaz looked up at the starry night sky. Both felt awkward to start a conversation and so both waited for the other to start.

Ejaz shifted little and Anah looked at him hopefully. Ejaz smiled at her not knowing how to confess, he felt embarrassed.

'You weren't at fault, Miss. Malik. I was...just...I have never felt this way.... it sounds so stupid even to my ears.' Ejaz shook his head. Anah extended her hand and held his palm. He looked up at her and she blinked slowly at him. Her smile urged him to go on.

'At the airport...in Mumbai... when you were with your friend...I saw you...and...i... didn't like it...I felt jealous.' The moment he said this he felt like running away. Anah retracted her back. She looked stunned.

Devil Boss was jealous of her and Reyhan, Why? – Anah thought. Looking at her blank expressions Ejaz panicked little but didn't show it on his face.

A while later, Anah spoke uncertainty, 'Why?' she shrugged.

Ejaz dreaded this, it was worse than confessing he was jealous. Again, there is silence.

Ejaz clasped her palm in between his, this surprised Anah again but she didn't protest. He leaned forward and stared at their hands, a small smile appeared on his lips. Anah watched him patiently.

'I was fifteen when Maria came into my life. She was at same school as me. I thought I loved her and thought she loved me too. But she didn't (sad sigh) I found out she was two timing. She only wanted popularity by hooking up with the richest and most handsome boy in school.'

Ejaz paused for a second before continuing, 'Biggest heartbreak of my life. Ever since I avoided girls and all these relationships and all. I was fine being single and happy with the attentions the women showered at me, (chuckles), then you came along,' Ejaz slowly looked up at her and Anah shifted little.

She listened to him with uttermost attention.

He stared into her eyes and continued, 'Females at office showered all their attention on me and tried getting my attention, like always. But you, you stood out. You got my attention. Slowly I got attracted you. And that night at the Diwali party when you brought your friend with you, I felt jealous. Also, I felt stupid for feeling jealous. I thought a lot about it and finally, I have realized that...'

Anah held her breath staring unblinkingly at him, he grasped her palm tightly and continued, 'I love you. I love you, Anah.'

Anah felt her heart skip a beat when for the first time he called her by her first name. Also, his confession made her heart race. For a minute, she can't believe if all this is real or a joke or a dream. She is speechless.

Ejaz Zafar Ali, the most eligible bachelor, dream man of many with perfect looks and body, also filthy rich CEO of the company where she works – loves her.

Her, a simpleton like Anah who isn't that good looking compared to the girls he is surrounded with. She doesn't even have abs, she is a weakling who can't even lift 4kg dumbbells yet this man, Ejaz Zafar Ali claims to love her. How? What does he see in her – Anah kept wondering as she stared into Ejaz's eyes. With his heart in his mouth, he kept waiting for her reply patiently.


'Call me, Ejaz please.' He interrupted her instantly.

Anah nodded and continued, 'Ejaz. I... need time to...process this and... also, sort my own feelings...I don't know if I lo-love you. Please don't get me wrong. It's just that I have never thought about love and relationship. All I thought of was my work and now you are confessing that you love me.... I don't know what to say.' Anah said politely and honestly.

She looked fearfully at Ejaz hoping he doesn't get angry. To her relieve he smiled.

'Take your time Anah. Whatever you decide I will be happy with it but...just remember this Anah. Never, never cheat on me. I have been hurt once and if the same heart break happens again. I don't know how I will react. So, please decide wisely.' He said seriously.

For a moment Anah got worried but she nodded her head because she knew one thing that whatever she does she gives her 100 percent and if she gets into a relationship with her boss, which sounds like a bad idea, she will give her 100 percent to their relationship.

'Thank you.' Ejaz said. He brought her palm towards his lips and softly kissed the back of her palm. Anah inhaled sharply feeling goose bumpy.

Slowly, she slid her hand out of his grip, 'Good night, sir- Ejaz.' She said standing up. Ejaz nodded, 'Good night, Anah.'

She smiled at him and he smiled back. She then turned around and walked away. Ejaz felt lighter after he confessed. But now he is restless to know her answer. In his heart, he hopes and prays she says yes.


Anah felt terribly confused as she changed into her night clothes and stood against the French window staring front. She kept replaying everything Ejaz said and everything that happened since she met Ejaz.

She sighed touching the glass window. She hadn't thought about this but thinking about it now she realized she is attracted to him. Who wouldn't? But love? Does she love him?

Anah felt frustrated.

At a point, she thought of calling Reyhan and asking his opinion but instead of advising her, he will lecture her and ask her to stay away from Ejaz.

Ipshita? She will just get jealous or tease her rather than give a solution. Anah sighed and flopped on the bed with her arms wide open, she is on her own this time. Thinking and over thinking about this Anah soon fell asleep. Still, she was indecisive. 


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Thanks so much for reading :*

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