17~ Attraction

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'You work on Sundays?' Reyhan asked over the phone. Though Anah can't see his face she is sure he has his eyes widen to the size of dinner plates. Working on Saturdays is the usual, but Anah doesn't work on Saturdays either, unless, like now - urgency. Monday, she must present her model in front of Mr. Singhal and other members. She is feeling very nervous and hopes Reyhan be with her. Though she doesn't say him this because knowing him, he will come running to her and she doesn't want his new job to suffer.

'Welcome to the Lyre of the Devil Boss.' Anah chuckled. Reyhan chuckled as well. After their laughter died down, Anah apologized for having Ipshita there with Reyhan for doing all formalities with the landlord and not her.

'No issues and...I have decided to come to the Diwali party with you.'

'What! Woohoo.' Anah jumped happily. Just then someone cleared their throat and she froze. She quickly cut the call and turned around. She gulped on seeing Devil boss standing at the door.

Ejaz never helps his employees, he always maintains a distance from them, keeping them strictly at the professional level. But he personally wanted to help Anah, work on the project with her. He kept telling himself that he is doing this because the project is very important but deep down he knows this is not the only reason.

Ejaz found no one in the office, it was expected as it is Sunday. He had asked the guards to keep the office open today as he will be coming. He hadn't expected Anah to be here either. He is surprised to see her here. He admired her dedication towards her work.

Anah smiled awkwardly at him, he doesn't smile back. He simply walks in and began questioning her about the designs. Anah replied to all his questions confidently.

'By the end of the day, we will have a mock presentation, okay?' Ejaz tilted his head little looking closely at her. Anah looked up into his eyes and nodded.


As they worked, Anah liked how Ejaz was helping her, guiding her. She started looking at him in another light. Many times, accidentally their fingers brushed and she jumped apart feeling a strange shock run through her. Judging by his expressions, the Devil Boss, felt a similar effect. Anah always looked away smiling. Ejaz liked the way she kept tugging random strands of hair behind her ear. Her lowered gaze and the smile, Ejaz felt mesmerized.

'What you think, this one should....' Anah stopped speaking when she turned her head and found Ejaz standing close to her, staring at her. Anah's grip loosened on the pencil as she stared into his dark eyes. For a moment, everything had paused.

They broke apart when a peon knocked the door. He had gotten tea for Anah. She looked at the peon shaking her head, she had asked for Tea exactly one hour ago.

'Chai?' (Tea) she asked Ejaz, brightly. He looked at the steel glass and then at her. He shook his head.

'I drink only coffee, black coffee.' He said dryly and turned facing the model. Anah made a face and muttered, 'How boring.'

'You said something.' Ejaz said not looking at her but working on the model. Anah bit her tongue. He tilted his head and looked at her with his eyebrow raised. Anah shook her head and got busy drinking her tea.


After she was done with tea they worked on the model together.

They were done by lunch.

'Sir-' Anah began uncertainly. Ejaz looked at her and she felt more nervous as she spoke, 'Want to have lunch with me?' she wanted to repay for the drinks he had gotten her in the gym that day. Ejaz looked at her for a while. He wondered if he should take the offer.

Will he look desperate? They are employee and boss – he debated in his head.

'Relax sir, no one will know you were with me for lunch.' She winked at him and then gasped at her audacity. She hadn't meant to wink it happened involuntarily. Looking at her expression Ejaz smiled. She looked adorable with her wide-eyes and her palms covering her open mouth. Seeing him smile, Anah relaxed.


How was the chapter, guys? Anah is cute, isn't she :D

Drop in your thoughts and let me know :)

And thank you so much for reading and voting, guys :* it means alot

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MARRIED TO MY BEST FRIEND S2 (BOOK 1) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ