45~ Cat fight

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Anah and Ipshita sat on the couch after dinner. They were watching some random movie on Tv. Just then the doorbell rang. Ipshita said she will get it. Anah nodded.

Ipshita is surprised to see Reyhan on the other side. Her heart fell seeing his swollen eyes and red nose.

He knows – Ipshita felt his pain, she saw the pain in his eyes.

Reyhan sniffed and forced a smile, 'Where is Anah?'

Ipshita looked at him sadly as he entered. She sighed closing the door.

'Mouse.' Anah happily greeted her friend.

'Anu.' Reyhan forced a smile once again. Anah hugged him but he doesn't her back. Fresh tears pricked his eyes but he quickly blinked them away. Reyhan held her shoulders and separated their frames. Anah frowned.

'I am very upset with you, Anah.' He said seriously. Anah looked at him tensed and enquired what wrong has she done. Seeing her expressions, Reyhan forced a smile again. He can't see her upset or tensed.

Reyhan patted her shoulders, 'My Anu fell in love and didn't tell her Mouse about it, very bad.' He said frowning.

Anah made an apologetic face and said, 'Sorry, mouse. Everything happened too quickly that I didn't get time to tell you.'

Reyhan nodded thoughtfully, 'You sure about this, Anu?' he asked her seriously. Anah nodded staring into his eyes.

'Does he love you too?' he enquired and Anah nodded her head once again. Again, she didn't avert her gaze.

Sensing her confidence and gazing into her eyes Reyhan felt little relieved that Anah is in safe hands. Still, he insisted he meets Ejaz. Anah felt little skeptical because she wasn't sure how Ejaz will react but she nodded her head.

'Want to join us for a movie?' Anah asked brightly.

'No, I have-a-a-headache.' Reyhan made up an excuse. He isn't so strong to stay with Anah and not cry. So, for now, till he accepts all this he decided to stay away from her.

Anah wanted to something more but he walked out of the room. She frowned.


Next day, as Anah and Ipshita walked together towards their cabin, they heard whispers and gaze following them. Anah felt little uncomfortable but Ipshita seemed normal.

'Nice Pendant.' Mohini complimented with a smirk. Her compliment sounded more like a taunt. Anah simply nodded acknowledging her and walked into her cabin. Once inside she asked Ipshita what was happening. It has just been two days since Anah had missed office and people are behaving like she is some alien.

Ipshita sighed sitting on her chair, 'they are all b****ing about you, especially that Mohini. Actually, she is burning with jealousy that you are more efficient than her and Ejaz's favorite. She is spreading rumors about you, that you are sleeping with the boss. And you and he had gone to Goa for more of a honeymoon than work.'

Anah's jaw dropped hearing this news. She clenched her fists tightly and cursed Mohini.

How dare she slander her in office? What Anah does with her life and body is her problem, how dare Mohini poke her dirty nose into this?

Anah stormed out of the cabin even before Ipshita could stop her.

'Anah, Anah, wait.' Ipshita ran after her but Anah was unstoppable.

Anah found Mohini near the coffee machine with few female and male staffs. She spoke in a hushed tone and judging by everyone's expressions it looked she is gossiping about Anah.

'MOHINI! You bloody b****.' Anah folded her sleeves up to her elbow and charged towards her.

To everyone's shock, Anah punched Mohini right in her jaw.

'What the hell?' Mohini said massaging her hurting jaw.

Anah leaped forward and grabbed her tresses, 'How dare you talk non-sense about me? You have guts, then speak in front of me, speak in front of the boss. Speak! You ****ing b****.' Anah growled pulling her hair.

Mohini winced and called for help but no one dared step in to help her. Everyone watched the cat fight wide-eyed.

Ipshita tried to pull Anah off Mohini but Anah overpowered her. Ipshita kept requesting her to leave Mohini.

'I told you once Mohini. No word against my character. How dare you?' Anah huffed as she slapped Mohini. A peon looked on fearfully for a while before running off.

Soon, Ejaz hurried to the cafeteria. The commotion was still going on. He rushed towards the women.

Everyone looked more fearful, some even stopped filming the whole thing and stood in attention. Ipshita took a step back as Ejaz came near them.

'Anah...stop.' He held her arm and with all his might he separated the ladies. Ejaz pulled Anah to his side and glared at her. Mohini fell on her knees, her hair messed up and a lot of nail marks on her arms and face.

'Come to my office.' Ejaz said and dragged Anah with him. Some watched them go and some rushed to Mohini.


Poor Reyhan *heartbreak emoji* 

Anah and Mohini's cat fight and now she is in trouble with the boss *hides face emoji*

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