32~ Devil Boss the new Trainer

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'Hurry up, will ya.' Anah called from the other side of the cubicle urging her friend to come out as they are getting late for their gym time. She rolled her eyes when Ipshita asked her to go on. Anah nodded and turned around to leave. She is already in her gym wear – back burned out loose grey tank top with black sports bra and black capri hot pants. As she entered the gym area she checked her hair that she had tied in a high tight pony tail. Anah didn't notice and she accidentally dashed into a tall and hard frame.

'Sorry- sir?' Anah is surprised she dashed into Ejaz. He seemed more happy than surprised.

'Hey.' He smiled at her. She smiled back.

They spoke for a while before Ejaz suggested he helped her with some exercise – his trainer was missing today and he decided to be a trainer instead. Anah smiled and asked him if it was okay if he waited for fifteen minutes till she finished her warm ups.

'Of course.' He smiled. Anything will do. Helping her with exercise is just an excuse, Ejaz wants to spend time with her. Anah smiled walking away from him. She could feel his gaze on her and strangely it didn't bother her.


Anah wrapped her warm ups quickly than before. She left behind Ipshita saying she was doing warm ups long before she had come.

Anah looked around and found Ejaz in the dumb bell area. She hurried towards him.

She watched him lift the dumb-bell before making her presence known.

'Hey.' She flashed a nervous smile at him. He looked up from the dumb-bell and smiled at her dropping the dumb-bell.

'Shall we start with this?' she pointed at the dumb-bell he had just dropped. Ejaz chuckled standing up.

He shook his head, 'Not that, it is too heavy. Wait.' Anah watched him as he went through the rack searching the perfect one for her. Earlier his taunt had annoyed her but not this time.

'Here. 2kg.' he said lifting the weight as though it is a feather. Anah frowned.

'Hey, I am not that weak. Give me 4.' She said confidently. Ejaz raised his eyebrow at but she looked on positively.

'Okay.' He shrugged.

Ejaz handed it to her. Anah was taken aback by the weight and she nearly fell but Ejaz had quickly gotten behind her and held the dumb-bell for her. Their skin touched and Anah shivered feeling a jolt. She managed a smile and a thank you.

Once Ejaz helped her steady the weight he taught her how to move it. Anah knew this, but she didn't interrupt because she was enjoying having him close to her.

Anah looked up and her gaze fell on Ipshita who stared at them with her jaw dropped. Anah chuckled looking away.

After few seconds when Ejaz left her hand, Anah fell front with the dumb-bell. Indeed, it was heavy for her. She then settled for 2 just what Ejaz had suggested.


'You want abs? if you don't mind could you show me what you have got?' Ejaz asked casually. Anah looked at him wide-eyed. Ejaz realizing what he said he immediately apologized. Anah giggled looking at him.

'Waise, since you are my trainer today I guess it won't hurt to show...but here?' Anah looked around apprehensively. Ejaz looked around agreeing with her. He then looked back at her

'The changing room?' he suggested. Anah felt uncomfortable but she nodded.

Her heart beat raced as she followed him through the deserted corridor leading to men's changing room.

What am I doing? – she asked herself.

Luckily there was hardly any one there, once instead they stopped. Anah scrunched her nose as the raw smell of sweat hit her nostrils.

They stood awkwardly facing each other for a while.

'I guess we should... this was a bad idea.' For the first time, Ejaz's voice wavered. Anah was close to agreeing to him but then something made her decide otherwise.

'My abs are pathetic.' She said placing her fingers at the hem of her top. Ejaz gulped looking at her fingers.

Anah felt terribly shy as she lifted little of her top revealing her abdomen to Ejaz, who is a complete stranger to her, also her boss, the Devil Boss.

She didn't have abs but her stomach was flat, no fat there, luckily. Ejaz hesitantly looked at it. He noticed a tiny mole just beside her navel, he found his gaze fixated there. But he couldn't see for much longer as Anah quickly covered it.

'So?' she asked awkwardly.

Ejaz felt disappointed but he didn't let it show on his face. He looked at her and smiled.

'No problem. Follow the exercises I say and the diet plan and you will have perfect abs in no time.' He said.

Anah looked skeptical so Ejaz raised his tank top and showed her his perfect abs. Four packs were prominent and the other four were slightly fainter.

'I am working on getting eight.' He smirked at her. Anah felt turned on looking at his tanned body and perfect abs. She quickly looked away and up into his eyes.

'WOW!' she exclaimed amazed and Ejaz felt his chest puff up with pride.

'Can I touch it.' Anah bit her lower-lip realizing what she just said.

Ejaz looked taken aback but quickly smiled at her. Anah smiled back awkwardly. Ejaz watched her shivering hands approach his abs. Anah eyed his abs as she softly touched it. Feeling her cold finger tips touch his skin, he felt goosebumps.

'Amazing.' Anah mouthed wide-eyed. Ejaz felt pride.


'So, if I follow your regime I will get abs like yours?' Anah asked as the two stepped out from the changing room. Ejaz nodded and just then Ipshita stepped out from the girls changing room which was adjacent to gent's changing room. Ipshita and Anah looked at each other and she gasped seeing Ejaz with her. Ejaz felt little uncomfortable and so took his leave.

Ipshita eyed at both Anah and Ejaz as they smiled at each other before he left.

'What is the scene, babes?' Ipshita demanded following Anah inside the girl's room. Anah sighed and assured her there is "no scene"

'You are so lucky, Anah. Ejaz doesn't give two hoots to any employee and other women as well. I noticed how uninterested he was with Pinky. At one point, I thought he was gay (chuckles) but with you, babes-he is just-it seems he has eyes only for you. He is just too smitten by you.' Ipshita bored Anah with her monologue. Even though her monologue was boring, her words did make Anah feel special, very special.


Anah is a very lucky girl *_* Devil boss is completely smitten by her. Haayyeeee *_*

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