5~ The Other side of Devil Boss

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Next morning, Anah frowned feeling the faint sunlight fall on her face. She shifted her face little over the desk and smiled shifting away from the sunlight. Within seconds, she is snoring softly, sound asleep.

'Anah, Anah.' Ipshita's screeching voice and the loud knocking on the door woke Anah up. She sat up straight up and winced placing her palm on her nape. The last thing she recollected was working on her designs and next thing, she fell asleep on her designs.

'****' she even drooled over it. What the hell was she dreaming about? Oh yeah, Samosas.

Ipshita knocked once again and shouted to get ready for the gym. Anah groaned and fell back in her chair that creaked loudly alarming her.

Anah sighed.


Anah and Ipshita walked into the gym, they smiled at the tall young lanky man standing behind the counter. The two women are regular at the gym and known by almost everyone. Anah quickly changed into her gym clothes, a neon green loose tank top over a black sports bra and black hot pants. She sat on the bench outside the washroom cubicles when Ipshita walked out from one of the cubicles dressed in a black sports bra and hot pants reaching till her ankles.

'Wow!' Anah exclaimed with a tinge of jealousy. Ipshita smiled straightening little, her abs perfectly shown. Anah glanced sadly at her abs, they aren't even shown. Only if you use a microscope you can see some faint lines. Anah always felt envious of Ipshita's figure and her metabolism. The only thing that Anah is proud of is her flawless skin over Ipshita's acne prone one. Recently, she has done a lot of treatments and gotten rid of them but some have left bad marks.

'Come, move your ass woman.' Ipshita said tying her hair in a tight pony tail. Anah nodded and quickly tied her shoe lace.


Anah was doing jogging on the spot while Ipshita was beside her doing stretches. Anah felt Ipshita stop moving, she tilted her head and saw Ipshita gaping at someone. Anah moved her head and stared at the direction where Ipshita had been looking. There on the other side of the room on the treadmill is a well-built man wearing black vest and shorts. Few of his curls strand fell over his forehead.

'Oh, my, God!' Ipshita exclaimed very slowly. Anah wondered what he is doing here, in their gym.

'**** warm up, I am going to the treadmill.' Ipshita said excitedly, she quickly packed her mat and adjusting her hair she hurried out of the room. Anah watched through the glass window as Ipshita walked towards Ejaz and pretended to accidentally bump into him. Anah suppressed a smile when Ejaz seemed to not recollect Ipshita and her face fell.

Anah looked at the ranges of dumbbells, she wanted to graduate from the one she had been using previously. After a few moments of thought she picked up one, it was a wrong choice she immediately regretted. The damn thing was heavy yet she managed to lift it little...

'Oww.' She almost dropped it but a strong arm caught the dumbbell in mid-air.

'Thanks.' Anah said gratefully, massaging her shoulder she turned to look at the stranger. She regretted this too. Ejaz stood there and in his muscular hand, he held the dumb-bell she had just dropped.

Before she knew it a small and slow, 'Wow!' escaped her mouth. Whatever little of Ejaz she had seen he had always been clad in a business suit, but now in a vest, he flaunted the perfectly chiselled collarbone, muscular biceps and well-toned legs. Anah found her gaze stuck on veins of his flexing biceps, his forearm and the back of his palm. She gulped following the trail of his sweat from the throat, it trickled down disappearing into his vest. There are patches of sweat over his vest.

Right now, everything about him, turned her on, very much.

'Are you alright?' His crisp baritone broke her trance.

Anah nodded embarrassed. Ejaz placed the dumbbell back on the shelve. She felt more embarrassed when he said she had been trying too hard.

'You should pick up something light.' He said touching her thin biceps. Though his touch caused a tingly feeling in the pit of her stomach Anah didn't like him touching her so casually. She retracted a step, Ejaz noticed it but he didn't react. He picked up a dumbbell and forwarded it to Anah. It was lighter than the one she used to use before. She looked up at him annoyed.

'No thanks.' She said bitterly and walked passed him towards the Cable Biceps Bar. She glanced at her biceps and touched where Ejaz had touched, her biceps are pathetic as well. She wondered what she has been doing in the gym all this while when there is no improvement.

'I need a personal trainer.' She thought out loud. 


How was the chapter, guys? 

Ejaz is the devil boss but he is hot *hides face emoji* Anah is getting attracted to him ;)

Drop in your comments and let me know :)

And guys, thank you so much for reading and voting. Keep loving and supporting me :*

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