41~ Ipshita and Mouse's Plan

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Guys, next chapter will be private. Only my followers will be able to read. To read the next update please follow me and then add the story to ur library *if you arent already following me*

Thanks for your love :*


Reyhan felt nervous as he rang the door-bell to Ipshita's flat. Ever since, Anah left for Goa he hasn't visited here. As expected Ipshita opened the door and pressed her lips tightly and looked at him with her eyebrow raised and head tilted to the side. Reyhan flashed a nervous smile. She straightened and folded her arms across her chest.

'I... may I come in?' He asked.

'Anah isn't here, yet.' Ipshita replied dryly. She was about to shut the door when Reyhan placed his palm on the door and stopped her. He looked at her apologetically and sincerely apologized. But Ipshita melted only when he flashed his dimpled smile.

She handed him a glass of water and sat beside him on the couch. Reyhan apologized for not coming earlier, 'This weekend I got caught up with work. Sorry.'

Ipshita smiled and placed her hand over his, 'It's okay.'

They sat in silence for a while before Reyhan hesitantly asked for help. Ipshita smiled and urged him to say.

Reyhan leaned forward and placed the glass, he then shifted little and faced Ipshita. He felt shy and nervous as he confessed that he loves Anah.

At first, Ipshita had her jaw dropped but after she composed herself she began teasing Reyhan until he turned tomato red.

'Please Ipshita, be serious.' Reyhan blushed and finally, Ipshita stopped laughing and composed herself taking deep breaths.

'Since when have you been loving her?' She asked curiously

Reyhan blushed lowering his head. 'Since I could remember-', He shrugged, - 'since always, I guess.'

'Idoit, why didn't you confess earlier.' Ipshita smacked her forehead.

Reyhan sighed, she then looked attentively at him.

'I thought about it a lot and I have decided to.... not hide my feelings and confess to her before it's too late.' He admitted. Ipshita nodded.

He then asked what he can do to confess his love and that she accepts it. He also expressed his fears about their friendship getting stained.

Ipshita held his palm, 'No way, you and Anah are friends since like, forever. I am sure nothing will go wrong. If she rejects you, there will be little awkwardness but I am sure that will pass but... what if she says yes? Think about it and go for it.' Ipshita motivated him and Reyhan felt very confident.

'Also, if you don't then someone else will take away your girl.' She warned him. Reyhan gulped nervously.

Ipshita then stood up and asked him to get ready. When he looked on cluelessly she suggested they go shopping for some clothing and do some makeover for him, also get some gifts, a ring so she can't reject his proposal.

'Thank you.' Reyhan said gratefully and patted her shoulder. Ipshita smiled at him

'What are friends for?' she winked at him and wished him luck.

Reyhan smiled and hugged her. She smiled hugging him back.


After breakfast, it was work for Anah and Ejaz. They had gone to meet Mr. Jha; showed him their rough designs and discussed everything with him including the payment. They had lunch with him and went for inspecting the site again.

By the time they returned it was evening and both were exhausted.

'Uff...my feet- I can't feel them.' Anah said leaning against Ejaz. She exhaled loudly. Ejaz smiled wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Anah is surprised when he asked her to rest and around 9 they will go out explore the Goa's night life. Anah smiled happily. She hugged him excitedly.

'Wow!' she exclaimed. Ejaz smiled hugging her tightly.

Anah is excited to experience the night life here, she has heard a lot about it but never seen it.


Anah got up with her phone ring breaking the silence of her hotel room. She groaned and sleepily sat up on the bed. She checked the time on the phone, it's 7 pm. Her eyes flung opened realizing about spending time with Ejaz. She glanced at her phone and saw Reyhan's name flash on the screen.

'Hello.' She answered picking up the call. Anah got up from the bed and frowned hearing giggles from the other side, a women's giggle. She wondered who is the girl with Reyhan.

Before she could ask him the doorbell of her room rang.

'Nothing, Mouse. Must be room service. Acha, listen I am going out to explore Goa's night life.... yes, I am going alone.... Yes.... I will be careful... okay bye...' Anah cut the call and hurried to open the door.

She switched on the light and opened the door. She smiled widely greeting Ejaz. She noted he held a packet, 'I got this top for you, please wear it.' He said entering in. Anah nodded and took the packet from him.

Anah opened it excitedly but her smile faded when she took out a blue Bandeau Bikini Top. Watching her expressions Ejaz's smile disappeared as well. He looked at her concerned.

'Ejaz... I, I have never worn something like this-' she said hesitantly.

She recollected Ejaz's reaction from the morning and felt fearful of upsetting him again.

Ejaz smiled and held her shoulders, 'So, there is a first time for everything. If you want then wear a shrug over it.' He assured her softly.

Anah felt little relieved that he isn't angry. To not annoy him she agreed. Ejaz sat on the bed while Anah went into the bathroom to dress up.

She felt uncomfortable as she looked at her reflection, the top was a perfect fit though. She quickly wore a white loose sleeveless shrug and white shorts.

'Wow! You are looking amazing.' Ejaz stood up and walked up to her. Anah smiled as he kissed her forehead. She wore her sneakers and they left the room hand in hand.


How was the chapter, guys? 

Reyhan somehow always manages to be friend zoned :D :D but he and Ipshita are cute, aren't they? :)

And Ejaz *poker face* he is dominating type *hides face*

Drop in your thoughts, guys :*

Thanks so much for reading and please don't forget to vote and comment :)

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