4~ Re-Designing

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Anah sighed glancing at the wall clock in front of her desk, its 10pm, and then she looked down at her design. Its half done, she leaned back rubbing her face with her palms. She sighed, her voice muffled into her palms. She straightened in her seat and glanced at her phone hoping to see a text from Reyhan, but he hasn't texted. She decided to not text him and make him worry. She rose from her seat deciding to get some coffee. She opened the door and almost dashed into a thin tired looking watchman.


Both looked at each other startled.

'Maam, office hour is over.' He simply stated.

Anah informed him that she is working overtime and was about to leave when the watchman interrupted her. He made an apologetic face and insisted that she left. Anah gritted her teeth, mentally cursed the watchman. He adjusted his cap and walked towards her. The two stood in the deserted dimly lit corridor and argued.

'What is happening?' Ejaz asked sternly, his eyes darted from Anah to the watchman and back again. Anah looked confident but the watchman quivered. He confessed everything fearfully. Anah felt him shiver beside her.

Ejaz looked sternly at Anah, suddenly she felt nervous but she masked it behind a straight face. He kept looking at Anah and gestured the watchman to leave. The man nodded humbly and left muttering a good night. And now, it was Anah and Ejaz alone in the dark deserted corridor.

Anah felt nervous as she looked around and gulped realizing there isn't anyone in the office.

What the hell! She has never been in office so late. Maximum that she has been in office is 7. Anah lowered her head fidgeting with her ID. Ejaz's looked at her ID, his gaze rested on her

long fingers and perfectly trimmed nails briefly before he quickly looked away.

'What are you doing here?' he asked in a flat tone.

Anah's head shot up, she looked at him disbelieve. Like he doesn't know - she thought bitterly.

Ejaz looked behind her at her cabin, he could easily spot her table which is right in front of the open door. It looked messy with many tracing papers, scales, toppled pen stand, messed up landline, tape measures and other things. He looked away and then at her, his eyebrows raised. Anah kept looking up at him.

'What is all this, Miss?'

'Malik.' Anah corrected him. Ejaz nodded placing his hand into his pocket, he went on to lecture her about how it's not acceptable working so late after office hours. Anah mentally scoffed wondering what he himself is doing here at this hour, but she kept her head hung low. He goes on lecturing how it is unsafe to be alone so late in the night.

'I can take care of myself.' Anah muttered which goes unheard by him as he goes on with his monotone. Anah didn't realize he spoke so much, he looked down at her. Being so tall, he must look down at 5'5 Anah and she must look up at 6'1 Ejaz.

'Come I will drop you home.' He said turning little. Anah shook her head. He paused and looked at her with his eyebrow raised. Anah looked at him and murmured she will manage. Ejaz watched her turn around and walk into her cabin.

'Hurry up, Miss. Malik I am shutting the office.' He called from behind her as she walked briskly inside her cabin, 'Devil Boss.' She muttered angrily.



A worried Ipshita opened the door and looked wide-eyed at a dishevelled Anah. Right now, Anah had an exhausted face, clipboard under her left arm and her tool bag hung on right arm. Ipshita began bombarding her with questions demanding to know what took her so long. Anah groaned slumping on the double sofa in the living room. Ipshita stood by her side tapping her foot impatiently, her lips pressed tightly together.


'What, yaar, now you don't start.' Anah said lazily, she waved her hand little and then dropped it on the sofa with a thud. Every cell of her body ached, especially her head. Her head hurt not because of working late or the Mumbai traffic but because of the Devil Boss, Ejaz Zafar Ali. Ipshita sat beside her and placed a palm on her shoulder and asked, 'What happened?'

Anah shifted her head looking tiredly at her friend, she sighed and narrated everything. She expected her friend to curse Devil Boss but to her utter shock, Ipshita began gushing how caring Ejaz is and how lucky Anah is that he offered her a lift and how stupid she was to kick the offer.

'Arghh...' Anah sighed in frustration and stood up. For a second she felt the room spin, she held her head and steadied herself.

'I am crashing...Good night.' Anah said and without waiting for Ipshita's response she walked away clumsily carrying her stuffs.


Anah changed into her nightwear- Loose sleeveless top and checked boxers. She tied her in a messy bun and kept it in place with a Chinese hair stick. She entered the small room she has made her study. She spread the trace papers on the table and placed her bag on the table and began to take out things from inside.

Once she had neatly arranged them on the table, she walked out deciding she needed some Caffeine to charge up.

The apartment that she and Ipshita share is a small one BHK home in a quiet locality of Mumbai. Finding a decent apartment in a place like Mumbai proved like a Herculean task for her. Reyhan had suggested he will help her with house hunting but she had refused as she didn't want him to get into unnecessary stress.

Luckily, Anah met Ipshita at work, the two bonded and finally, Anah found a place to stay. The two-shared rent and soon became good friends.

Anah sighed pouring steaming coffee into her mug, she looked at it and a smile appeared on her lips seeing the photo of her and Reyhan on the mug. This personalized coffee mug is a gift from Reyhan on her fifteenth birthday. As hot coffee passed her throat, she felt rejuvenated, her brain waking up. She leaned against the kitchen slab, she sipped her coffee while reading her chats she had exchanged with Reyhan last week.


After drinking coffee, she walked back into her study. Actually, this study was supposed to be a storeroom but Anah saw it perfect for her study. She found working here peaceful, the silence opens her brain. The window behind the table the plus feature. While working in case she felt bored or suffocated or a block, she opens the window and enjoy the fresh air refreshing her mind.

Anah arranged one of the trace paper, it is the one she was working on at the office. She knitted her brows studying the design Then picked up her scale and pencil and got to work.


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