The Twenty-Fifth Baam

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Baam Pov

It's so lonely now that Lahel's left. It's so quiet. She said that she would come back soon... but when?

"Hello? Anyone down there?" Someone spoke, breaking me out of my depressing thoughts.

"Lahel? You came back!!" I exclaimed, standing up.

The rock blocking the brilliant light above started to move, silvers of light streaming through the opening. I eagerly waited for Lahel to drop back down to this place I called home. Instead, another girl, with mid-back length snow-white hair, pale skin, and pretty blood-red eyes looked back at me. Disappointment, curiosity, and awe sparked inside of me. She threw down a small white bag and climbed down herself.

"So, who's this Lahel? And who're you?"

~~~ Mini Time Skip~~~

"Oh, I see now. So this Lahel's your first friend?"


She smiled.

"Well then, Twenty-fifth Baam, nice to meet you. My name is Cecelia Lucifer, and I'm your second friend."

And like that, a new relationship was born. Cecelia visited more often and stayed longer then Lahel. She brought many interesting things and taught me many fascinating things. Comic books. Clothes. Pictures. Music. Instruments. She even cut my hair for me!! She taught me how to write. How to draw. How to protect myself. Lahel had already taught me how to read, which made it a little bit easier for Cecelia.

Lahel came by once in a while, but she always left quickly and seemed to be preoccupied with something. She didn't even question the increasing number of objects in our home.

One day, Lahel came by, her face grim and determined.

"Baam, I'm leaving."

"...Leaving?" I asked, shocked by the wave of new information and confusion.

Maybe she wants me to come with her. Maybe Cecelia can join us on the adventure, too!! A new surge of excitement rose into my heart, my mind swirling with the possibilities.

"I'm going to the Tower of God. I'm going to go see the stars, Baam!! isn't that wonderful?" Lahel exclaimed, seeming elated about the fact that she would be leaving.

Wait. She said "I'm", not "we're"... she's so happy... does she hate this place so much? ...No. Maybe she's excited to go on this adventure with me. I glanced around the cave- the place that I called home. I had mixed feelings about this place, but it was where I had made my two and only friends. It would always be special to me- in some corner of my heart.

By the time my attention was back on Lahel, she was still was going on and on about the "Tower of God", not noticing my falling expectations and reaction. Even then, I still didn't let go of hope. Hope that all three of us could stay as friends, heading into this new journey.

"Come on, Baam!! I'm going to go on that adventure that we talked so much about!! Isn't it great?"

"Y-yeah, it is," I answered back, an ominous feeling in my gut starting to rise.

"So, Baam, I'm here to say goodbye."

...What? My mind went blank at the thought and reality of the fact that Lahel was going to leave without me. Part of me felt... betrayed. Part of me felt... anger. But most of all, I felt... disappointment.

"Goodbye, Baam."

Lahel turned around to leave, not a single shred of remorse in her eyes. We've spent so much time together, and yet, she didn't seem to have a single problem with leaving me 'alone'. I chased after her. She can't leave. Not now. I want... I want all three of us to be a happy family together.

As I hurriedly went after Lahel, thoughts of Cecelia's smiling face came back to me. She knew of Lahel from all the stories I told her, but Lahel didn't know Cecelia. They've never met, and since the day Lahel had been preoccupied or obsessed with leaving, I had never had the chance to talk to her about Cecelia. If I were to chase after Lahel and leave with her, then... what about Cecelia?


Let's stay together forever, Baam!! I promise to never leave your side!! You'll be with me, right?

"Don't worry. I will!!"


We promised each other to stay together, no matter what!! If I left with Lahel now, then... then... I would be breaking my promise. I faltered, slowing down. I had been running after a protesting Lahel, who was yelling at me to stop following her. Breaking promises are just as bad as lying, I remembered.

"Baam!! Don't follow me!! I told you, I'm leaving!!" She yelled back at me.

I have to let one go, I realized. I can let Lahel chase her dream alone (like she wants me to) and go to the Tower of God with Cecelia, or I can leave Cecelia and stay with Lahel. Who'll it be?

Thankfully, choosing my choice didn't take long.

With a last surge of strength, I tackled Lahel onto the ground. She stared back at me, yellow-brown eyes harsh and cold. Just minutes ago, her eyes had been filled with excitement. Now they were congested with anger and annoyance.

"I'm going to go see the stars, Baam. So please, forget about me."

The ground under us started to shine, panic overriding my mind. Lahel gave me a last smile.

"Lahel!! I need you to meet someone!! I want all three of us to go on this adventure together!! Lahel-!!" I yelled after her disappearing form, only to hear another familiar voice.

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2.5 pages, 889 words

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