I'm Not Drunk, You Are (3)

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Third Pov (Flashback Continued)

Upon Koon's (somewhat sane) request, Cecelia managed to cram Baam, Shibisu, and Hatsu into his Lighthouse. Then, using her Demon magic, she cleaned up their mess, leaving the room spotless. Once that was all done, the two (along with a considerably heavier Lighthouse) headed to their rooms.

Thankfully enough, Shibisu, Hatsu, and Baam had all fallen asleep.

Cecelia placed each of them in their rooms, making sure to leave a garbage bin by their beds and to have them on their side so that they wouldn't end up drowning in their bile.

First was Shibisu, then Hatsu, then Baam.

"Cece... don't leave... I want to be next to you..." Baam mumbled, grabbing at the empty air in front of him.

"My dear, sweet cinnamon roll, I have no intention of denying you a thing. But tonight, someone else requests my presence more desperately than you do." Cecelia whispered back, leaving Baam with a gentle kiss on the forehead.

Outside Baam's door, Koon was waiting for Cecelia. And the moment she showed up, Koon pulled Cecelia to his room, stumbling a little as he did so. One of his devilish smirks adorned his lips as he took her by the hand, his stunning azure orbs lit aflame.

"Come on," He said, picking up the pace.

Cecelia's and Koon's rooms were beside each other. However, it was a little ways away from Baam's room, which meant that it would take some time to get to their destination in their drunken states.

"Wait, I left my blouse in Shibisu's-"

"Baby, where we're going, you won't need a blouse."

"Koon, don't be a naughty boy."

"And if I were a naughty little boy, would you spank me into good behaviour?"

Cecelia had a retort for everything. It was very rare for her to be left speechless. But this time, Koon had managed to leave her speechless. Speechless, flustered, and provoked, the two continued to their final stop- Koon's bed.

~~~ Next Morning ~~~

"UGHHHHHHH MY HEAD" Shibisu groaned, chugging water from his water bottle.


"Hatsu? What is it?" Shibisu asked, taking the call.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS VIDEO?!" Hatsu shouted, nearly blowing out Shibisu's tender eardrums.

"Video? What video?"

"The video that you recorded and sent to me last night!!"

Shibisu checked his Pocket, finding an hour-long video that had been recorded by no one other than him last evening. He pressed play, hands shaking from fear.


"-Baam!! You can't sleep with a lady here!! You're supposed to be doing that in the privacy of your room!!" Shibisu cried out, catching Koon's attention.

"Baam's going to sleep with someone?! But he doesn't have protection!! Cecelia!! Get Baam a condom!!" Koon said, blindly grabbing things from his bag.

"Baam's not going to sleep with anyone!! He's MY precious cinnamon roll!! Baam, your elephant better stay limp!!" Cecelia bellowed.

"Cece, I don't know what that means... kiss my forehead and pet my hair like you used to back home..." Baam passively-aggressively requested, cuddling up against Cecelia, who was now sitting up.

"You're being so clingy, Baam... I told you that I'm not going to go anywhere, remember?" Cecelia stated, brushing her slender fingers through his soft hair.

"I want to- no, I'm going to keep you in my arms like this... forevah!!" Baam half-stated and half-shouted, sitting cross-legged against one of the many sofas scattered around the room with Cecelia curled up in his arms.


Koon yelled once again, stumbling over to Baam and Cecelia with a bottle of vodka in his hands. He haphazardly sat down in front of them, trusted the bottle of vodka in Baam's hands, and pulled Cecelia into his arms. Baam whined and tackled Koon in an attempt to take Cecelia back.



"What... have I done?!" Shibisu muttered, slowly starting to remember the events of last evening.

"I'm going to pretend that I've never seen that recording, you got that? You delete that thing, right now!!" Hatsu yelled through the Pocket-call, before ending the call angrily.

Shibisu hurriedly scrolled through the settings of his Pocket, looking for the "Delete" button. But just before he could press it, Cecelia appeared in his room.

"WHAT THE- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! Ow, my head... I shouldn't have done that..." Shibisu screamed.

"I dropped my blouse here last night," Cecelia replied casually, grabbing her blouse off of the table.

"Wait... is that-?" She continued, noticing the video that was somehow still playing on Shibisu's Pocket.

"I-it's nothing!!!"

"Send it to me."


"Send it to me!! I'll keep it for myself, I swear on my immortal life."


"JUST DO IT!!!!"

"Y- yes ma'am!!!"

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

And just like that, Baam, Koon, Cecelia, Hatsu, and Shibisu's drunk ordeals came to an end. Now, here's a question that some of you are probably wondering- did Cecelia and Koon have intercourse? The answer is- (comment your guesses!)

2.6 pages, 846 words

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