Underwater Hunt (2)

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Baam Pov

"It's beautiful..." Lahel muttered to herself, sitting in her wheelchair.

Lahel and I had been put into a bubble made of Shinsu, where we would stay until the end of the test. Cece had wanted to join us in the bubble but wasn't allowed. So here we were, deep underwater, surrounded by thousands of glowing fish. It truly is beautiful... I wish Cece would be able to see this, too. I thought, enjoying the wonderful view.

When I turned back to look at Lahel, she had a worried look on her face.

"Don't worry. It's okay." I said, smiling at her.

"Koon, Cecelia, Rak... They're way stronger and smarter than us." I said, reassuring her of their safety, thinking that she was worried about their well-being.

She smiled back, nodding in understanding.

"You're right."

While we waited in comfortable silence, enjoying the wonderful scenery, I found myself delving into my thoughts. Sometimes, Lahel asked me questions.


"I knew you'd come again, one who opened the doors on his own. You reek of Demon, but you always look so tasty." The Administrator commented, its humongous blue eyes staring at me.

"Do I?" I asked with an awkward smile.

"Now, tell me. What do you desire?"

"I want..."


"Baam, so that Yuri woman gave you the Black March?" Lahel asked me.

"Yeah. She lent it to me after I told her about you. Although, if I were to meet her now. I'd have to apologize. Cece has the Black March at the moment." I replied, meeting Lahel's pale yellow eyes.

"You seem like you're having fun, Baam," Lahel commented, laughing brightly.

"What? Really?"

--- Meanwhile - Koon Pov ---

"We can't use Lighthouses to search underground. Our only chance is to fortify the surface. Hatsu, you and your group keep an eye on the Goblin's movements. Spear Bearers, wait on high ground for the worms to act. Shibisu, you and your team need to watch out for pigs attacking the dolphins." I ordered, keeping track of the situation via PFT (PocketFaceTime)*.

Using the frustration and worry for Baam as fuel, she was practically flying around the place, providing me with visuals and information that I needed for my plans.

"Where did the two Princesses go?!" Shibisu whisper-shouted in frustration, seeing that he was completely alone.

"Calm down, Shibisu. They probably went to find the Bull or something." Celia commented, their conversation being relayed to me by her Pocket.

"Speaking of which, you can kill that thing, right?" I asked.

"I can, but I don't want to. If I kill the Bull, then I'd be ruining the Ecosystem here. Normally I wouldn't care, but the Net Dolphins are too adorable. I don't want to ruin their habitat or the balance they have here."

"For a Demon, you can be strangely emotional sometimes... Knock it out or something. It just needs to not affect the test or our plans." I suggested.

"That I can do," Celia replied, snickering.

"Ugh, I feel so senselessly anxious. I'm not doing anything, but still losing HP..." Shibisu muttered to himself, before glancing at Celia.

She was watching the last of the dolphins jump into the water, pale face tinged with a light blush. I could practically see pink hearts and flowers flying around her.

"They're so adorable!!" She said to no one in particular.

"Hey, Shibisu," I called out.


"You knew there was a huge risk in taking this test, right? .....Why are you helping Baam?" I asked, leaving Celia to fangirl to herself alone.

"Heh. The hag- I mean, Serena- told me something during Hoh's funeral. She said- "The reason Baam seems so bright... is because he's got everything important that was stolen from us before we began climbing the Tower." Honestly, I'm jealous of Baam, too. So I don't want him to lose what he's got. I don't want Baam to have what's important to him taken from him." Shibisu explained, glancing at Celia.

".....You're a good guy, Shibisu." I replied.

"Not as good a guy as you, Koon." Celia cut in, before sniffing the air.

"........I smell blood. Something's wrong." She stated, getting up from her seat on the ground.

Just as she stated that something was wrong, someone contacted me through their Pocket. It was Hatsu. Instead of his usually calm, stiff demeanour, he had some panic seeping into his voice.

"Koon, can you hear me? Dede Cancho and Belarouge vanished."

"What? Vanished? What does that mean?" I answered, trying to figure out what was happening.

"Something's not right. Be careful. I sensed a strange bloodlust earlier, too."


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PFT (PocketFaceTime)*: Same as regular Facetime- only it's done using Pockets instead of phones.




2.5 pages, 817 words

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