Position Selection (1)

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Third Pov

"Get in here."

The first thing that greeted Rak and Koon when they went back inside was a set of gross-looking wings. The tendons, muscles, and bones covered in blood were out in the air for all to see, and it wasn't a pleasant sight. Koon frowned slightly.


While Rak tore through the contents of the refrigerator looking for his stash of chocolate bars, Koon helped Cecelia wipe the blood off of her bony wings. And while he was at it, he checked her wounds once again, too. As he absent-mindedly wiped the delicate bones of Cecelia's wings, he found himself falling into his sea of thoughts once again.

I know all about self-indulgent women. He thought, remembering Maria and Lahel.


Sorry, Baam. I don't want to let you near her.

"Maybe I'll eat you instead. Wake up already." Rak growled, huffing at the still unconscious Baam.

Just on time, the brunette opened his eyes, his gaze fixating on a surprised Rak and a bloody but gleeful Koon. His eyes widened, noticing the dried and fresh blood all over the male.

"You're awake, Baam?"

"Ah, Baam!! You're finally awake!!" Cecelia jumped into his arms, wrapping her arms around the teen.

"Koon? Cecelia?" Baam muttered, holding his pounding head in his hand.

"You've been asleep for five days."


"And the next test started yesterday."

"Wait- Koon,"

"You must be worried that you've been disqualified." Koon cut Baam off, although he knew very well about what Baam was trying to ask him.

"Huh? No, I-"

"Then relax. You're lucky."

~~~ Yesterday ~~~

"The fourth test will be conducted after you are assigned positions." Lero Ro started, the regulars having been seated around the seminar room.

"Assigned positions?" Shibisu muttered, confused.

"The battles fought in the Tower are team battles. There are five basic Positions."

Fisherman: Fighting at close quarters- at the heart of the battle.

Spear Bearer: Control and kill their enemies from a distance.

Light Bearer: Illuminate the dark Tower with their Lighthouse, as well as gather and distribute information about the situation.

Scout: Investigate their enemies' movements on the front lines and assist the Fishermen.

Wave Controller: Directors of the battle, who provide control and support in combat using Shinsoo.

"You will study the position that you are assigned. Depending on your performance, Several of you may be chosen to fulfill those positions." Lero Ro stated, explaining the five positions.

~~~ Present ~~~

"You've been placed in the Wave Controller group. And since the arrival of the Wave Controller instructor, Yuga, has been delayed, your training will begin tomorrow. You're very lucky, Baam." Cecelia finished.

"Y-yeah. So, um..."

"And don't feel sorry about my wings, Baam. They'll just grow back even bigger than before. As for the head wound, well, it healed right up after a meal or two. So there's nothing for you to worry about." She said fluttering the wings behind her back.

"But... I've hurt you so badly... and Koon's covered in blood, too." Baam muttered, unable to look at them in the eyes.

"Koon's only covered in blood because he's helping me lose my baby feathers. Once I get all of my flight feathers back, I can put my wings back and return to the human form that I used to show in public."

"Oh. That's a relief..."

"And as for the girl that you saved-" Koon started, his face passive as he lied through his teeth.

Baam perked up at his words, expecting to hear news about Lahel. Unbeknownst to Baam, Cecelia had been against hiding the truth from the brunette. She wanted to tell everything to Baam and get rid of Lahel once and for all.

"She's fine. She wasn't seriously injured."

"I'm glad," Baam muttered, a small smile appearing on his face.

"But it's not the girl that you know. I asked her about it, and she said that she had no idea who you were. I guess you mistook her for someone else. Don't worry about it. If you keep climbing the Tower, you'll run into her eventually."

Don't foreshadow things like that!! I never want to see her face again!! Cecelia thought, glaring at Koon for jinxing them.

"More importantly, here."

Koon held up a black long-sleeved shirt, showing it to Baam. Koon and Cecelia had a small argument about who was going to buy Baam clothes two days ago, to which Koon won. While Koon bought Baam's clothes, Cecelia had gone off to get Koon's new clothes since she had ruined his with her bloody wounds.

"I bought this for you."

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

2.5 pages, 787 words

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