Truth (1)

546 19 7

Pic is Cecelia's Dad, Lucifer.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Lahel Pov

Baam's gold eyes, filled with confusion and pain burning into my mind in a haunting manner. Cecelia sunk into the depths of the lake along with Baam, her long, beautiful white hair trailing after them. But none of it mattered anymore. After all...

"It's finally over."




"No. It's only the beginning."





I ran through the tunnels of the all-too-familiar cave, Baam at my heels.

"It's calling me," I told him.

"I'm going to climb the Tower. So... forget about me."

Incomparable happiness swelled up within me as I could see my body glow. The Tower... is calling me. When I opened my eyes and was met with unfamiliar territory, I could tell instinctively. I'm in the Tower.

"This is probably... the peak of my life," I muttered to myself.

"It's not you."

A strange male voice told me, his tone of voice sounding as though he could care less about me, and the fact that I was here.


"The Tower wasn't calling you."

A strange... creature? Man? Looked at me with bunny ears atop its head and a staff in the other, telling me that I hadn't been chosen. Cold, sharp fear crept into my stomach, growing around my heart like a vine. I didn't know who he was, or what he was, but one thing was clear- he had the power to kick me back out of the Tower, and take away my one chance to see that stars.

So I begged.

"But...! No, please!!"

I crawled on my hands and knees like an animal, desperately begging the creature to let me in.

"Let me in!! Please, let me in!!! Give me a chance!!"


"I've dreamed of climbing the Tower. Please... please!!!"

"Then... let us test you."

As the creature told me afterwards, the rules were simple. The ray of hope that I had been given with the mention of the so-called "test" was soon ripped apart to nothing as he mercilessly hurled despair towards me. Everything was supposed to be mine once I climbed the Tower. But...

"There's no way I can pass this test. How can I take on that monster? I don't even have a weapon. It's unfair!!" I protested, glaring back at the creature.

"It's cruel to make people take tests that no one can pass!!"


Some strange water-like substance enveloped my body, nearly cutting off my airflow. It was hard to breathe. It was so painful. Why? Why wasn't I chosen? All I wanted was to see the stars... did that make me deserve such cruel and harsh punishments?

"Now watch... as your saviour is born."

The creature looked at the place where I had been minutes ago, a ray of red light shooting out from the floor. And there he was. Dear God, this is too much to bear, I told myself. My saviour? Baam? And who's that girl with him?

The girl, with a stunning face, and an even more stunning body, gently shook Baam awake. She had sparkling blood-red eyes and long, silky snow-white hair that reached down to her knees. Just by looking, I could tell that she had been gifted with incomparable beauty. But why was she with Baam? Who was she?

The girl glanced at me and gave me a smirk. She knew that I was here. She knew what was happening.

And she was enjoying it.

I could only watch in pained silence and anger as Baam was given a powerful weapon called "Black March" by some Princess named Yuri. Yuri called the albino girl "teach", which meant that they had some kind of connection as well. But that didn't matter.

It wasn't fair.

How come Baam got such an amazing weapon? A powerful ally?

Why? Why did he get everything?

He's just Baam.

All he did was follow me.

"Two Irregulars, where one isn't even human... and to think that the boy was friends with the High Demon Princess, Heir to Hell. I'm interested in seeing what will happen next. Well, not that you'll be there to see it." The creature commented, letting me out of the watery prison.

All I could do was cough. Pain racked my body with every movement.

"Do you understand now why you weren't chosen? Good grief. That was hardly any Shinsu. You're too weak. The ugliness seeping out from inside you makes me cringe. You don't have a shred of charm about you." The creature commented, every word becoming a knife that cut into my heart and tore out my flesh.

"No matter what you say, I want to see the stars," I announced.

"No. You want to BECOME a star. Don't you want to shine the brightest? To be special? Like the High Demon Princess- oh, you probably remember as the young woman who came by just now with blood-red eyes and white hair. Don't you wish to be like her? To be as special, and as powerful, and as beautiful as her, who has everything."

The creature was right. I wanted to be like her. To shine brightly within the darkness, to be seen as someone special and lovable. But to become like her, I needed to climb the Tower.

".....Please. I'll do anything to climb the Tower."

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SIU said that Koon was the most "human" character in the series, but I think Lahel (as much as I hate her) is quite "human", too. Everyone wants to be special. Although I wouldn't go as far as her to be "special". Everyone is different and special in their own way. So believe in yourself, move forward, and OWN THAT SHIT.

2.7 pages, 954 words

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