Underwater Hunt (4)

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Third Pov

While the two Princesses fought the Bull, Cecelia argued with Koon. On the surface, Rak was throwing one of his tantrums as he complained about wanting to fight the Bull. Somewhere else on the surface, Hatsu was busy doing his job as a Scout with the group that he was with.

"You want me to sit still and do nothing? Why?"

"Turns out, someone with the ability to control animals had been on our side- so I'm making her take your part of the plan," Koon answered, making Cecelia freeze.

"What do I do then?!" She complained.

"I need you to watch Baam. You don't need to breathe, so you'll be fine being underwater, right? I doubt that anything will happen with him and Lahel, but just in case."

"Weeeell.... There's a slight problem with that," Cecelia said sheepishly.

"Problem? Where?"

"I haven't told anyone this... but I can't swim."



"You're joking, right?"

"........No. But don't worry. I'm still going to go watch Cuddlecake."

"Don't you dare. Stay on the surface where I can keep an eye on you. I'll contact you if something comes up."

"...I'll see you at the end of the test, Koon. Stay safe."

"I will. You better not go anywhere, got that?!"

Having finished the call, Cecelia glanced at the two Princess of Jahad struggling with some dude wearing a sushi outfit, then at the calm waters before her. She wanted to join Baam and Lahel as fast as she could, but the promise that she had made with Anaak Sr. forbade her from leaving Anaak to her death.


"D-Demon..." Anaak Sr. panted, clutching the lethal wound on her chest.

Their home was turning to ash, the hungry red flames licking the wooden pillars. A man wearing a chef's outfit lay on her lap, the wound on his side bleeding profusely. Cecelia knew of Anaak Sr. and her situation very well- and the "sin" that she had committed. So when Anaak Sr. used her blood to call upon a Demon as a last resort, she had gladly gone to make a contract with them.

"Why did you call me, Princess of Jahad?" Cecelia asked.

"I'll... I want to make a contract with you."

"I see... lucky for you, I'm feeling generous tonight. I'll take your soul, along with your husband's, in exchange for your child's safety. After all, that is you wish, is it not?"

".....Thank you."

And like that, Cecelia was bound to keep Anaak safe from death.


What was I thinking? Cecelia grumbled to herself, before walking over to the sushi man. At least she didn't specify how many times I need to save her daughter... since I've saved her once already, I guess I'll save her once more after this. Three chances, Anaak Jr..... Use them well, and grow quickly.

"Questi," Cecelia muttered.

With a flick of her wrist, the sushi man crumpled to the ground, the gravity-increasing magic circle spinning slowly over his body. His blue eyes glared at Cecelia, who was healing Anaak's chest wound.

"You dare to go against King Jahad's orders?!" Sushi man screamed in anguish.

"You may not have noticed, but I'm a Demon. I don't work under your precious "King"'s orders. He has nothing over me." Cecelia commented coolly, shrugging.

"Damn you!!!"

"Damn me? To where? Heaven?" She replied, laughing.

"Princess Yuri!! You can't get involved!!!!!" A familiar voice yelled, getting Cecelia's attention.

Using the moment of surprise, Sushi man somehow managed to escape Cecelia's Gravity-increase spell and took a defensive stance against the albino woman. That was Ivan's voice just now... and Yu's here? Cecelia thought to herself, before realizing why Yuri would even show up. She's here to get her Black March back. About time, too.

"You know, you're messing with my sisters." Someone spoke, walking out of the shadows.

"Yu!!" Cecelia greeted happily, Princess Yuri's bright red eyes widening in surprise.

"Teach? What are you doing here?" Yuri asked, calling out to Cecelia with a tone of familiarity.

"I'm climbing the Tower with some friends. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to get something of mine back. I lent it to someone. You may have met him. He's this normal-looking kid with big gold-coloured eyes, brown hair, and an innocent face-"

"So it was you that lent the Black March to Baam!! He's in the lake somewhere, so greeting him will have to wait. But I have the Black March, so there's not much of the problem there. I held onto it for him."

"Inventory," Cecelia muttered, two hook-shaped weapon holders appearing on either side of her small body.

"Here you go. Black March. But you sure grew a lot, huh? You used to be shorter than me, you know!!"

"And you didn't change a bit, Teach. Still as short, beautiful, and scary as always... How old are you now? Couple thousand? Hundred thousand?"

"Older than you, Yu. Now, take care of Sushi man over there. I'm needed elsewhere."

"I was planning to anyway. Next time we meet, we should eat desserts together like we used to back then. There's so much to catch up on, you know?"

"Next time, Yu. I'll look forward to it. Tell Ivan I said hi."

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Summary: Cecelia can't swim, and she made a deal to protect Anaak Jr. from death (paid for by Anaak Sr. and her husband's souls). Cecelia is Princess Yuri's Teacher (Nicknamed "Teach") and taught her lots of skills and helped her grow stronger.

A/N: I'm not back for good, as Summer school starts in a few days. The amount of chapters and the frequency of updates may decrease a bit, but I will try my best!!!

WARNING: Next chapter is so bad that I can't- even- *cries* but I tried!!

2.9 pages, 975 words

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