Irregular (5)

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Song of the chap!!!

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Lahel Pov

"So... it's okay for you to abandon me, too," I told Baam, with tears streaming down my face.

He was as naive and trusting as ever. Even after I had abandoned him and told him not to follow me, he opened the Tower's doors and entered on his own. Just to follow me.

At first, I didn't mind.

To be completely honest, I was even happy.

I was happy that I would have someone by my side- someone that would be on my side no matter what happened. But just by the fact that I was an "Irregular", I was asked to go through a practically impossible test.

Then Baam entered the Tower, with the disgustingly beautiful girl at his side.

When Baam told Headon that the girl was a Demon- someone gifted with a strong, beautiful body, stunning looks, and power- I could feel the rage and jealousy bubble up within me. It wasn't fair.

How come he got to have someone that dependable and powerful by his side?

How come he had been chosen by the Tower, but not me?

When we met again, he already had other friends and people that would fill my place. That was okay. It made me jealous, but that was okay. What wasn't okay was the fact that he was willing to throw all of that away just because of me.

He had everything that I yearned for, and yet he was willing to give all of it up in a heartbeat.

I hated it.

I hated him.

I wanted him gone.

".....You don't need me anymore," I told Baam, looking away from his pure, trusting gold eyes.

"A ray of light- pierced my dark, lonely world. I thought it was a miracle. I didn't know the word for it at the time, but that's what it felt like in my heart. I've made lots of friends, but you're the only other one that came to see me from the other side of the light. No one can replace you." Baam said, making the tears fall once again.

How could you be so forgiving? I didn't ask you to forgive me.

Who do you think you are?

"I'm sorry. Baam, I'm sorry..." I cried, putting my face in my hands.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to get rid of you. For good.

--- Baam Pov ---

When I arrived at the cafeteria with Lahel, everyone was drunk.

"Hey!! They're finally here!!" Shibisu said, his face red from all the alcohol consumption.

"You're late!! Get over here!!" Hatsu said, staggering towards me.

He's not using his swords as stilts today... I guess that's a good thing. I thought to myself, being dragged by Hatsu towards the table.

"Hey, wait!! Hatsu!!" I protested as the swordsman dragged me over to the part of the table where Koon and Cece were.

"WhyyYYyy~ did he choOose her oOover meeEE~~" Cece drawled, drunk past the point of no return.

"It's okay, Celia!! You have *hic* me!!" Koon responded, pulling her into his arms.

"Snowflake, you doooOOoon't get to betray me, got iiiit~?" Cece continued, poking Koon's red cheeks with an adorable pout on her lips.

"I wanted to tell you for a while now, Celia... *hic* that smile of yours, *hic* drives me crazy," Koon replied, giving her a feathery light kiss on the lips.

It was as though my body had stopped working. I couldn't move. And I couldn't stop watching. Shock, jealousy, and general surprise ran through my system, preventing me from moving. The kiss between Koon and Cece deepened, eventually leading to the two falling off of their chair and onto the ground with their arms wrapped around each other. Calm down, I told myself. They're just drunk.

"Cece? Are you all right?" I asked, pulling her away from Koon.

"Ah~?! It's CuddleCaAke~!" Cece said, a bright smile growing on her face.

"No, Cuddlecake's with Lahel... he left meeee....." She murmured once again, averting her eyes from me.

Removing her hand from mine, she crawled over to Koon once again and pulled him upright by his lapels. She cupped his face in her hands, pulling his cheeks and making funny expressions. But it wasn't funny for me. I felt hurt that Cece was ignoring me. I felt guilty for leaving her and not telling her about my decision first.

Although it was something that was expected, it still hurt. Seeing her so close with Koon. Seeing Koon kiss her, and how she was smiling so warmly at him. All thoughts of Lahel disappeared from my mind as I focused on repairing the relationship between me and Cece.

Lahel was someone important to me, but Cece was someone that I couldn't live without.

"KooOOOn? SnOowflaAAke? Wakey wakey~" She sang, shaking Koon.

"Heh?! I'm awake!!" Koon mumbled, awake from his drunk daze.

"I'm an Irregular!!" Cece suddenly announced, making the entire room fall silent.

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2.5 pages, 856 words

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