Chained (3)

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WARNING: we're gonna be going from zero to a hundred REAL quick- some friskiness ahead.

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Third Pov - 5 Years and 11 Months Later

"Would you look at that. We're finally at the 20th Floor, Baam!!" Cecelia said, spinning happily as the waltzed through the busy streets.

"I told you to call me Viole in public, Cece," Baam told Cecelia, taking a firm hold of her small hand in his.

"None of FUG's members are here, and I'm here with you on top of that. No one can say anything about it. There's nothing for you to worry about!!"

It wasn't FUG that Baam was worried about. It was Koon and the others, whom he hadn't seen in almost six years. If they were to meet and realize that Viole was Baam, then they would try to fight FUG in an attempt to set him free from FUG's clutches. But it would be futile, and Baam didn't want them getting hurt or put in danger.

"Please? I'll promise to let you call me Baam when we're alone... and in bed."

"S-shut up!!" Cecelia's face flushed into a rosy pink, making Baam smile to himself.

"I've told you briefly on the last floor, but the 20th Floor is where the Regulars are chosen once again. Since the Regulars have been going through easy tests after Evankhell's Floor of Tests, they end up failing here due to the sudden change in level and the amount of money it takes to pay for the Test." Cecelia explained, changing the subject hurriedly.

"When we're here, promise to never get a loan from anyone. Got it? I don't count."

Baam nodded.

"If we pass this floor, we'll be climbing up to an E-Rank Regular from our F, right?" He asked.

"Yup. It gives you lots of advantages, so the 20th Floor is also called "The Eye to Heaven"."


"The hole in a needle is called an eye. They call it that because it so hard to pass this floor. Not that either of us would have any trouble." Cecelia chuckled to herself, before giving Baam a bright smile.

Baam stopped walking all of a sudden, picked Cecelia up into his arms, and began to power-walk back to their temporary home. It was a small but cozy and clean apartment suite, next to a blonde male called Ja Wangnan.

"Whoa- wait- Baam, I mean, Viole, where are we going?" Cecelia asked, hurriedly wrapping her arms around Baam's neck so that she wouldn't fall.

A mysterious, sly smile that Cecelia had seen so many times before being attacked(?) was on Baam's lips, sending Cecelia into a panic.

"Now?! But it's broad daylight!! And you didn't even let me sleep last night!!" She argued, face starting to flush red.

"I never knew that Demons could cry until you did last night in bed." Baam snickered.

"I never knew that you were so harsh!! And I didn't sign up for all... that!!" Cecelia defended herself, face as red as a tomato.

"So you don't want to do it?" Baam questioned, giving her his mock puppy face.

Under Baam's long bangs, Cecelia could see his golden-yellow eyes, filled with a certain type of fire that was becoming increasingly frequent. They'd gotten together officially only about a year ago- when FUG agreed to let Baam become Cecelia's partner in return for his freedom in the Tower.

By the time they'd slept together for the first time, what had been left of Baam's innocence was long gone (thanks to Hwa Ryun's Sex-Ed sessions). It made Cecelia's life easier and harder in some ways that she refuses to explain.

Baam gazed into Cecelia's blood-red eyes and gave her a quick peck on the lips. She resorted to hiding her red face in the crook of his neck, embarrassed. But internally, Cecelia was contemplating like mad. She knew very well from experience that if she refused now, then it would last longer and that he would torment her later on in the evening.

But I don't want to do it in broad daylight!! We have so much to prepare for- we need to complete the paperwork for the upcoming floor test, buy necessities for our next part of the journey up the Tower- and I don't even know if we have any condoms left at home!! It's obvious that he's going to tease me to Hell and back and I'm not mentally or emotionally prepared to deal with bedevilled, thirsty-as-hell Baam!! Cecelia thought to herself, her hold on Baam's neck tightening as she prepared herself.

"Don't worry, I bought some more when you went to buy us matching necklaces at the jewelry shop," Baam whispered in a low voice, sending pleasant shivers down Cecelia's back.

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I did warn y'all!! Anyways, guess how they got together!! Comment and let me know what you think- hehe.

And no, I don't do lemons. I may be a 17-year-old (turning 18 in January), but my mind refuses to go past PG-13. But if enough people want it, I'll consider the option. I'll make it juicy and hella detailed. MUAHAHAHA. Let me know with a comment!

I contemplated quite a bit about getting Cecelia and Baam into an official relationship since I'm more of a Koon person than a Baam person... but it's high time that the two of them get some, and Koon can wait (or join and become a threesome; who knows). Here's a tidbit that you all must be wondering about- Baam is Cecelia's first. The same goes for the other way around, too.

2.7 pages, 944 words

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