Trustworthy Room (4)

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Picture drawn by yours truly. Please don't copy/download/use without permission. Thank you!!

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Third Pov

"Have you seen a pretty woman with white hair and red eyes enter the bath?" Viole questioned.

"Dont worry. You'll be free soon." The multi-ring woman replied, confusing the male.

"I was asking about the woman," He emphasized.

"She's not here. I haven't seen her." The woman replied cooly.

At the multi-ring woman's response, Viole hurried to the men's bath, hoping that Red hadn't been killed or hurt while fighting the Ranker.

Once the multi-ring woman was sure that Viole had gone, she walked back out of the change room with sturdy rope in her hands.

Then she began to tie the rope to the ceiling, tying a noose on one end of the rope.

"Really? Hanging? That's the best you got?" Red said, rolling her eyes.

Red was a Demon, but she was still a living(?) creature. Poisons and anesthesia, as well as medicines worked on her.

As for hanging, well... it was one of the longest and the most boring way to go.

"You do know that you'll have to hang a Demon for at least three decades before they die, r- ghk!"

Ignoring Red's grumbles, the multi-ring woman tied Red's wrists together. Then she stuffed Red's underwear in her mouth to gag her before hauling Red's body to the middle of the bath- where the noose was readied.

"Muff meh mufff eh eis? Enhai?" (What the fuck is this? Hentai?) Red said, being dragged through the warm waters.

After hanging Red, the multi-ringed woman left the bath with a satisfied smile on her fat face.

While Red idly waited for the anesthesia to wear off, Wangnan and his friends were busy gathering rooms and allies.

"If we somehow manage to get Viole's girlfriend to join us, wouldn't Viole join us too?" Goseng asked to no one in particular, trying to come up with a way for Viole to accept teammates and continue to take the tests.

"But would Red join us?" Horyang asked.

"Judging by what I saw during the card games, Red would most likely join us judd seeT for the sake of fun. The only problem is, there's a high chance that she might refuse or just kill us all according to Viole's wishes," Wangnan summed up.

"Well, nothing will happen if we just sit around, I'm going to go visit her," Goseng said, standing up and walking towards the door.

"B-but- H- hey!! Wait!! WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THOSE TWO COULD BE DOING RIGHT NOW!!!" Wangnan argued, following after Goseng.

When Goseng and Wangnan arrived, they noticed that the door to the room was open- revealing the complete mess that the two FUG members had left behind.

"I've never seen this many used condoms in my life," Wangnan muttered, disgusted.

"I wonder if something happened to her, though... she's left the door open and the remote's still here, too." Goseng said, skillfully walking around the condoms littering the floor.

"Ah! I've found it! Her connector!!" Wangnan said, grinning.

"Who knew? She hid it in a used condom. Someplace that no one would ever think about searching." He continued.

"...I can't tell if you're smart or just plain gross. Are all men like this?" Goseng asked, frowning at the sight of the connector covered in white ooze.

"Nah. I'm just desperate." Wangnan replied, attaching the connector to the remote and pressing the blue button.


At the sight of an unfamiliar name being mentioned on the screen of the remote, Goseng tilted her head in confusion.

"This must be Red's real name!! I've heard Viole call Red "Cece" a few times." Wangnan exclaimed.

While Wangnan went off about how they could bring Viole to join them, Goseng was lost in thought.

Cecelia Lucifer... where have I heard that name before?

~~~ Meanwhile, with Viole ~~~

"I won't ask again. Where's Red and what have you done with her?" Viole asked, eyes wide but focused.

Love contemplated on his answer for a brief moment.

Should I tell him that I saw her going into the females' bath on my way here? Or should I lie and get him riled up? He thought.

At first, he chose the second option. But noticing how Viole was on the brink of insanity, Love decided to tell the male the truth.

He may have wanted revenge for his dead parents who had been killed by FUG, but he saw no reason in giving his opponent an emotional boost for their fight ahead.

"...I saw her walking into the women's bath on my way here. And she hasn't left since. But other than that, I don't know." Love said truthfully.

Viole froze, falling into the pits of confusion for a brief moment. He'd just been at the females' baths. Red hadn't been there.

Viole decided to check again, just in case. He got out of the men's bath and headed straight into the females', knowing that there would be no one there- maybe with the exception of Red.

The moment the brunette entered, a scary sight awaited him.

Red was being hung from the ceiling, her body dangling limply in the air.


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2.6 pages, 884 words

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