Pretty Witch (3)

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Third Pov

A very tense silence followed as Viole slowly turned his head towards the perpetrator.

Cecelia was waiting for his attention, leaning her head on one arm. There was a provocative smile on her plump lips as she gazed straight into Viole's gold-coloured eyes. With a small chuckle, Cecelia gave Viole a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Then without another word, she turned away from him, stood up, and walked out of the bath.

The rest of the Regulars blinked at the strange and brief interaction, staring at the female. They shrunk away slightly as Viole gave them a glare. Viole walked out of the bath, following after Cecelia.

"Isn't this important to you, Wangnan?" He heard Cecelia say.

"Wait- where did you-?!"

"It was on the ground, I'm afraid. You should take better care of your belongings... especially something as dangerous and as important as this." She warned.

"Tell Viole that I'll be waiting for him in my room. Ciao~"

Wangnan stared at the red ring in his hand, Zahard's symbol marked clearly on the outside. Confusion swirled in his mind as he sought for the reason why the Red Tanager, the famous FUG Slayer left him be. FUG is known for its desire to kill Zahard... how come she didn't hurt me? Or at least ask for the reason why I had a ring with Zahard's mark on it? He wondered, the thoughts dissipating when he saw Viole walk out of the bath.

"Uh- um... Cece said that she'd be waiting for you in her room-" Wangnan started, before being cut off.



"It's "Red" to you."


"...Thank you for telling me."

Viole dressed and left the locker room, trying to hide his annoyed mood. He didn't like how Wangnan had called Cecelia using his nickname for her. Ignoring the purple-haired teenager yelling and following after him, Viole went to his assigned room to grab the rest of his clothes.

"HEY!!! STOP RIGHT THERE!! HOW DARE YOU IGNORE ME!! I'LL KILL YOU!!" Prince shouted, fist-pumping angrily.

But his efforts to gain Viole's attention was in vain as the brunette didn't even spare him a glance. And to make matters worse, Yihwa had arrived just in time as Prince banged on Viole's room door.

"What are you doing in front of someone else's room?" Yihwa asked coldly.

"Yihwa...? What are you doing here?" Prince questioned, confused.

"This is the room that I've been assigned."


"Does it matter who I'm sharing a room with? I have nothing to do with you or your company anymore. My debt was repaid when Viole won first place. And honestly, the fact that I had anything to do with low-rates like you disgust me. So why don't you do us both a favour and pretend that you don't know me." Yihwa stated, walking past Prince and entering the room.

Letting out an annoyed sigh, Yihwa focused her attention on Viole, who was tying his hair back up.

"Are you planning on using this room? And not change rooms?" Yihwa asked.

"But I was assigned to this room," Viole replied, not seeing the problem.

"Y-yes, but... I think that we should change rooms. We're fully grown men and women, and there's the matter of your girlfriend, as well. And if you're thinking of asking me for something in return for freeing me from Prince and his group of people, don't even bother." Yihwa said, clearly on edge about the fact that she'd be sharing a room with Viole.

".....What would I ask from you?"

Yihwa paled, then started to blush in embarrassment as she answered Viole's question.

"L-like my b-body, for example..." She trailed away.

"I have no interest in your body." Came Viole's response, as clean and as concise as a knife.

Yihwa's face burned up in shame and annoyance. Same team or otherwise- I'll definitely kill him in the next test!! She thought to herself. But the anger and shame were brief, as Viole collected his belongings and headed for the door.

"W-where are you going?!"

"Red's place."

Red? Who's... does he mean the Red Tanager? ...Of course!! He's in a relationship with her!! What was I thinking, thinking that he would expect something as shameless as my body as payment?! Yihwa yelled internally, face turning into a fiery tomato as her mentality was thrown into the hole that she had dug herself.

~~~ Meanwhile ~~~

"Why is he taking so long... He knows that I hate being bored..........." Cecelia grumbled in her room, dressed in a comfortable and pretty nightgown.

She'd been waiting for over thirty minutes, expecting to be able to relax and spend some quality time with Baam. In the end, she gave up on waiting and sent a message to Viole using her Pocket.

[Leaving to play a game of cards with Wangnan's group.]

Cecelia left the room and continued on her way towards Miseng's room with a brand new deck of cards in hand, knowing that Wangnan's group would congregate there. But when she arrived, she saw Miseng with a short, plump older woman.

"Do you have business with her?"

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Yihwa's angry at Viole because she's annoyed by the fact that he didn't have any interest whatsoever in her despite the fact that she's quite pretty. Cute and funny, but also naive in a way, I guess.

2.7 pages, 913 words

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