And Here We Go Again (5)

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Koon Pov

"Guhhhhh..... I'm dying..." Shibisu groaned, his head laid on the table.

After going for celebratory drinks yesterday, Hatsu, Shibisu, and I had woken up to massive headaches. We didn't get drunk easily- which meant that we drunk a lot more than normal.

It was mostly Cecelia's fault.

"Stop moaning. You're shaking the table," I groaned back.

"Would you like to lie down on my lap?" Cecelia asked, giving me her sly smirk.

I lightly glowered at her smiling, stunning face. Damn you and your demon genes... I thought to myself.

"What? Yuri is?" Baam said, surprised about something.

Unlike Shibisu, Hatsu and I, Baam and Cecelia were completely fine. Cecelia was a demon, so that made sense. As for Baam... he just drank a lot less compared to any of us, so...

"It's true. They call her "Jahad's Imp" because she's so ferocious." Androssi clarified.

"I don't believe it. But she's so kind..." Baam interjected.

"You mean she never hit you? Not once?" Androssi asked.

"She did hit me with a flying kick."

"That's intense..." Hoh chimed in.

"Are all Princesses like that?" Shibisu asked Laure, who was sleeping with his head on Cecelia's shoulder.

I was lying on her lap, her cool hand reducing the temperature of my hot head. the symptoms would soon go away since I was one of the children of the great families, but Cecelia didn't need to know that.

"Probably," Laure answered.

"Please don't drool on my shoulder, Laure," Cecelia muttered, wiping the drool away with a grossed-out look on her face.

"Hey, I can hear you, you know. I don't know what it's like dealing with a sleepy baby and two drunkards, but it really must be nice to be immortal, immensely powerful, and ridiculously beautiful." Androssi commented, gazing at Cecelia pointedly.

She only smiled her mysterious smile, not saying anything.


Androssi disappeared to the washroom, letting the bomb that she had thrown at us to explode behind her.

--- Cecelia Pov ---

I briefly glanced at Lahel, who was rapidly disappearing around the corner.

I do hope that whatever you're truly seeking at the top of the Tower is worth more than Baam... Michelle Light.

After the uneventful breakfast, I headed off to my Wave Controller Class with Baam. I was trying quite hard to get better control of Shinsu, but it was proving to be a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. Then there was my secondary goal.

"Would you like to have you wish fulfilled?"

"Huh? Who's there?!" Hoh shouted, looking around the dark, empty halls frantically.

"I repeat- would you like to have your wish fulfilled?"

"W-what wish are you talking about?" He asked, fear filling his amber eyes.

"Was it not your wish to get revenge for your dead tribe? Killed so ruthlessly, just for the sake of their highly-prized medicinal horns..."

"H-How did you-!!"

Dark chuckles echoed around the halls.

"If you wish to have your wish fulfilled, then come visit me. It shouldn't be hard to figure out who I am... since you were at breakfast with us this morning."

With that, I appeared around the corner leading into the hall that I had been in mere seconds ago, acting as though I was surprised to see Hoh standing there.

"Ah, Hoh. Hello."


He was obviously still frazzled by the whispers of a Demon. I began to walk past him, having given him my usual smile.

"W-wait. That just now... it was you, right?" He started, grabbing my wrist.

"Hm~? Well, that depends..."

"I want to do it."

I smirked. Hook, line, and sinker.

--- Meanwhile ---

Baam silently followed Cecelia and Hoh. He had seen her leave silently, instead of training for hours on end like usual. He was planning on meeting up with her and eat lunch. She never ate anything, but it was pleasing to just have her company. He hadn't been able to spend a lot of time with her lately since she was almost always with Koon or was busy with one of her five Position classes.

"Baam, who are you following around like that?" Someone whispered.

"Ah, Koon!! You scared me," Baam whispered back, before turning his attention back o Cecelia and Hoh.

"Isn't that Cecilia and Hoh? Why are you-" Koon started, before being cut off.

"Hm~? Well, that depends..."

"I want to do it."

Wait. What does he want to do? Isn't that direction where Hoh's room is? Why is she going willingly with him?! Koon thought, red alarm bells ringing through his skull.

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