Cards Against Humanity (1)

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WARNING: Coarse language, mature themes ahead!! I WARNED YOU!!

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Baam Pov

"Cinnabun!! Come in, come in. Join us for our next game, won't you?" Cece said, an innocent, excited sparkle in her eyes.

Maybe it was because we were used to such horrible things now. It was the little things that made her happy- the jokes that we cracked once in a while, how she'd burn dinner one night and we'd end up going out for dinner, the brief moments of innocent bliss that we'd be able to have with other Regulars.

As the person who'd known me for the longest time at the closest proximity, she knew that I missed the others. So despite knowing that it was strictly against regulations, she risked herself to provide me with the change to enjoy myself.

I loved her for it.

But it also scared me.

I was so scared that one day, she'd be killed or hurt because of me.

"Cinnabun...?" Wangnan's group stared between the two of us with confused looks, the familiar nickname pulling me out of my thoughts.

Cece pulled me into the room by my hand, making me sit down on the ground next to her. The rest of the Regulars looked terrified by my presence, but Cece didn't seem to care. She pulled a fair-sized black box out of the air and gave everyone an evil smirk.

"Let's play Cards Against Humanity."

~~~ Mini Time Skip ~~~

The moment everyone had their cards in their hands and read through them, they all realized that something was very, very wrong with this game. The innocent smile on Cece's lips didn't fade as she started to hum to herself in happiness.

"Okay, first round. We'll be going clockwise, and Wangnan gets to start." Cecelia announced.

"By this point, I'm very glad that Miseng went to sleep early..." Goseng muttered to herself, face as red as a tomato.

"One card per blank or question. Pick out a new white card after using one. Everyone will always have five cards. The person that picks out the black card, has the job of reading the others' white cards and choosing the best one out of them. The round ends when someone has ten black cards." Cece explained in a chipper tone.

"Okay... here we go..." Wangnan took a deep breath, and couldn't face anyone as he read the black card out loud so that everyone could give their answers with the white cards in their hands.

"W- What brought the orgy to a grinding halt?"

Silence. An absolute, thick silence hung in the air as the question processed through the others' minds, as well as myself.



"It's a party card game made by Demons. What'd you expect?" Cece replied nonchalantly, placing a white card face down in front of the black card laid out on the floor.

Arkraptor let out a sigh and placed a card down himself, followed by Goseng and Horyang. I just stared blankly at my cards. "My abusive boyfriend who really isn't so bad once you get to know him.", "A snapping turtle biting the tip of your penis." ...Oh, Cece, why must you do this to me? "Only dating Asian women.", "The Blood of Christ.", and "The magic of live theatre." I read silently to myself, hating my not-so-innocent mind for understanding what the cards were talking about.

I picked one out, and placed it down as well, allowing Wangnan to round them up and read them out loud.

"What brought the orgy to a grinding halt?" Cece read, letting Wangnan answer them.

"Looking in the mirror, applying lipstick, and whispering "Tonight, you will have sex with Tom Cruise."." He said, before laughing a little.

"Hey, this isn't so bad." He said, making Cece shrug.

"Told you. What brought the orgy to a grinding halt?" Cece asked again.

"A snapping turtle biting the tip of your penis," Wangnan answered, and this time, Arkraptor snickered.

"What brought the orgy to a grinding halt?"

"Fake tits- oh my God." Nia laughed, reading the card from over Wangnan's shoulder.

"What brought the orgy to a grinding halt?"


"What brought the orgy to a grinding halt?"

"W- Worshipping that p*ssy....."

"What brought the orgy to a grinding halt?"

"Finger painting."

Another brief silence ensued as everyone blushed (minus myself and Cece) strongly at the last card. Cece snickered and shook her head.

"You innocent little kids. Pick the best card, Wangnan. And say the reason why you chose that card." Cece instructed.

"This game is horrible," Goseng muttered.

"That's the point, sweetheart. It's meant to be horrible so that it's hilarious."

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

I am playing the game to myself with the game pack in front of me as I write this. Not everyone may approve of the cards I pick as the best as we all have different humour points- mine is usually the weird, dark humour that makes me laugh.

Let's continue! And to those of you that feel uncomfortable with topics like these, feel free to skip these few chappies. And don't say that I didn't warn you about the mature themes in these few chapters.

2.6 pages, 874 words

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