Irregular (3)

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Third Pov

Koon yelled angrily at his friend/guest, expecting him to say something stupid or yell right back. But instead of Rak's toned chest, Koon came face-to-face with his red spear.

"Is it not Rak? Wait... you're-" Cecelia started, before noticing the small gator standing by the door.

Koon took notice of the male as well, looking down in disinterest. But in an instant, a smile was on his face as he kneeled to be face-to-face with the gator.

"Where's your daddy?" Koon asked, making Cecelia fall into a heap of laughter.


"YEEEAGH!!! THIS IS THAT COFFEE TURTLE'S FAULT!!!!" Rak shouted, having tacked Koon onto the ground in a fit of anger.

According to Rak, he had been on his way to Koon's room to get more chocolate bars when he almost bumped into HanSung Yu in the hall. Rak had commented on how he hadn't been able to see HanSung Yu due to how small he was. Then the next thing he knew, he was in his tiny form.

"Blue turtle, use your mysterious bag to make me big!!!" Rak ordered, making Cecelia snicker.

"That's what he said..." She muttered to herself.

Cecelia watched as Koon had taken a comfortable position on the floor, with Rak sitting on his stomach. Koon seems to chill about it... that it's funny. She thought, trying her best to stop herself from bursting out into laughter once again. Koon gave her a weird look.

"Come on, Rak. Let's get off of Snowflake before he melts," Cecelia commented, pulling the chibi gator off of Koon.

"Unfortunately, it doesn't have an enlarging function," Koon replied.

At Koon's answer, Rak turned to stress-eating as a result. He sat with a pile of his favourite chocolate bars and stuffed his face with them.

"If there's nothing you need, then leave," Koon told Rak.

"I don't need anything from you. Should I leave?" Cecelia asked, feigning ignorance.

"Not you, Celia. I need your time. Plus, you said that you needed to tell me something, right?"

"Damn it. I'll have to play with the black turtle now," Rak said to himself, catching both Koon and Cecelia's interest.

"Don't. Stay away from Baam." Koon replied, stopping Rak and Cecelia in their tracks.


"Baam won't advance to the next level." Koon continued.

Cecelia's face fell slightly, her aura turning gloomy at Koon's words. He took a seat beside her, putting an arm around her shoulders.

"Don't feel so sad. It was to be expected. He found Lahel. His goal has been accomplished."

"...But what about me?" Cecelia asked, now nothing but a curled-up ball on Koon's lap.

"I want you to continue climbing the Tower with me, Celia. I know you promised Baam that you would always stay by his side, but I need you. I need you more than you think, and I... I want you to stay."


Rak yelled at Koon and Cecelia, just as somebody rang the intercom.

*Bubuling Bubuling*

It was Baam. He had a serious look on his face as he stood in front of Cecelia, Rak, and Koon, ready to tell them some important news. Usually, Cecelia would've been the first to give Baam her complete attention. But for some reason, she refused to meet his gaze.

The first thing that Baam saw when he walked into Koon's room was Rak. Then it was Cecelia, sitting on Koon's lap. She looked sad, which made him wonder if something had happened. Baam tried to focus on the news at hand, but he couldn't help but be distracted by Cecelia's unusual reaction.

"Lahel can't walk anymore," Baam announced, surprise and shock clear on the other three's faces.

"Her stab wound was deeper than they thought. She'll never make a full recovery. So I- I'm climbing the Tower."


"I'll be Lahel's legs and take her up the Tower. I don't care about the Tower or the stars anymore. But so long as it's what Lahel wants, I'll follow her anywhere. That's what I've decided." Baam continued, unknowingly pushing Cecelia over the precipice.

"So, um... I'd like you to lend me your strength," He finished.

Hey, Maria..... If I could've given up everything and said that... Would something have changed for us? Koon wondered, looking at Baam. But he was pulled out of his thoughts when Cecelia stood up and walked away and out of the room without another word.

"Cece? Where are you-" Baam started, but was ignored as she walked past him.

"Heh, if you're so desperate, I guess I'd be willing to-"


"You can count on me. I'll take you to the top of the Tower- in exactly the underhanded way you expect from me." Koon replied, confidence oozing off of him.

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

2.4 pages, 810 words

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