And Here We Go Again (1)

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Third Pov

"Is there a point in telling you anything? You already know pretty much everything about me," Koon replied, giving Cecelia a shrug and a smile.

"So you knew." She replied, chuckling.

"Of course I did. You let it get away when you hinted about how you knew of my past. You have a very large information network- and know just as you are old."

Baam wasn't able to comprehend what the two were talking about, but one thing was clear- Cecelia knew a lot, was very old, and had a very large information network.

"Um, if that's the case, then could you tell me more about Princesses of Jahad?" Baam asked, taking a seat beside her in bed.




Jahad, the King of the Tower.

The first man to climb it.

The King who built the Kingdom we live in.

And the women granted a special boon by Jahad are known as "The Princesses of Jahad". The Princesses gathered from all over the Tower are not Jahad's biological children, and are unrelated by blood. Once they are granted Jahad's power, certain acts are not forbidden to them.

They may not have intercourse or bear a child.

It is to prevent the spread of the power they inherited.

The Princesses are shoes on display in the King's showcase. Beautiful, but never to be worn by anyone.

But in rare cases, sometimes the shoes jump out of the case on their own.




Cecelia Pov

We were currently going through the Fishermen's Test; we were to push each other off of ridiculously high platforms until only eight members remained. Of course, no one dared to even come close to me after having seen the last stunt I had pulled during the Crown Game. Instead of pushing off the rest of the regulars involved in the test, I decided to take a break and get some proper entertainment. An amused chuckle left my lips as I watched Androssi and Anaak fight like little children.

"You seem to have the wrong idea," Androssi started, dodging Anaak's attacks.

"The one who broke the agreement was your mom."


"Having you and spreading the power she received from the King was the greatest of crimes."

"A crime?! Ridiculous!!"

To those who had done so much and tried so much to gain the same power that Anaak had been born with, your existence itself is a crime, Anaak. Such a naive, pure little girl... stained to the depths of her heart with hatred and revenge, she'll one day prove to be a very fine meal. I thought, deciding to head in closer for a better look.

"Of course you think that. As someone who's never experienced hardship, you wouldn't understand." Androssi stated, glaring at Anaak.

A hateful, furious fire burned in Anaak's eyes as she remembered her past.

"I've never experienced hardship? Don't be ridiculous!!" She screamed in anguish, attacking Androssi once again.

"Isn't it true? You acquired power simply by being Anaak's child!! I worked hard to become a Princess of Jahad!!"

Oh, right. Her mother's name was Anaak, too. Now that's just confusing.

"Really? Good for you, then." Anaak replied, sarcasm practically dripping from her voice.

A triumphant smirk was on Anaak's face, as the heel of Androssi's heeled shoes broke apart from its shoe, making her lose her balance. And as luck would have it, she was standing at the edge of the platform.

"Later, hag!!" Anaak yelled, moving in for the final push over the edge.

She kicked Androssi's chest, pushing her body completely over the edge. But's it's human nature for them to want to drag someone else down with them. As I had guessed, Androssi grabbed Anaak's wrist, pulling her down with her. Anaak placed her foot onto the edge of the platform, pulling back and managing to keep the two of them on the platform.

"H-Help me!! if I fall, I'll die!!" Androssi yelled, waving her other arm around in hopes of gaining proper footing.

"Let go!!" Anaak shouted back angrily, picking the Princess once again.

"Please, my only niece!!"

"I've got plenty of other aunts!!"

Annoyed and unhappy, Anaak harshly pinched Androssi's hand. Of course, surprised by the sudden pain, the girl couldn't help but let go.



A loud, ungraceful laugh left my lips as Androssi, with the most evil-looking expression that I had ever seen, firmly grabbed Anaak's right ankle and pulled her off of the platform with her.

"Come with me, my niece!!"

"Damn itttttt-!"


"The Game is over. Congratulations on being the only one to pass the Fishermen class, miss Cecelia." The Instructor said.

"Why thank you," I replied with a smirk.

The Instructor left the scene, leaving me with two screaming Princesses. I flew down to meet the two, knowing that they probably wouldn't be able to move from their spot due to their extensive injuries.

"This sucks!! This is definitely broken!!" Androssi screamed, holding her leg in pain.

"Shut up, idiot."

"If this leaves a single scar on my beautiful legs, I'll hate you forever!!"

"Your beautiful legs? Don't you mean your thick trunks, hag?"


"Stop screaming. I can feel it in my wounds. Plus, an "insane beauty" is someone like her, not you." Anaak grumbled, looking over to me.

I only gave the two loudmouth Princesses my usual smile, before taking them to the infirmary wing.

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2.8 pages, 915 words

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