Connector (6)

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Wangnan Pov

I wasn't the sharpest pencil in the box, but even I could tell that Viole and Love's fight was coming to a close. That meant that we didn't have a lot of time left to collect the rest of the rooms and pass the test. Excusing myself from the fight, I hurried away with Goseng to meet up with Arkraptor and the others.

On the way, we met a rather weak woman being dragged along at spearpoint by Arkraptor.

"Where have the two of you been?!" Arkraptor screeched angrily, steam blowing out of his ears.

"We were stuck watching Viole's fight with the Ranker. Red was there too, and it was all so terrifying-" Goseng started, only to be cut off.

"Actually, save the explanation for later. We have rooms to collect. Right now, we have three rooms. Wangnan's, Goseng's, and mine. We'll have four once we take this woman's room from her and her buddy. Then we'll go get Yihwa's room, and pass this godforsaken test." Arkraptor summed up.

"Wait- we already have four right now. We took Red's room. So We have Wangnan's, mine, Arkraptor's, and Red's room right now. We need to get one more room, and Yeon's room to pass." Goseng corrected.

"You actually got Red's room? How?" Arkraptor questioned, pleasantly surprised.

"Easy! She left her connector in a used c-"

Goseng hurriedly blocked my blabbing mouth before I could get any further. I didn't particularly find it to be a big deal, but she obviously found it shameful.

"Hear that, woman? Get going and make that buddy of yours open the door." Arkraptor ordered, aggressively poking the short, middle-aged woman with multiple rings in her fingers.

"...Bruce, it's me. It's Yeongsook." The woman started, knocking on the door.


"What took you so long? Did you get the kid's room?" An older male with white hair and a mustache spoke, opening the door to let the woman in.

"I'm sorry-"

"Huh? WAH-"


My hella awesome Poke-ball stayed straight and true to its course as it popped into the room, exploding and sending the two unconscious. Of course, we failed the two, tied them up, and took their room. Now we had five rooms- all we needed was Yeon's room to pass the test.

"Contact Horyang and tell him to come to meet up with us- we'll go for Yeon's room right after this," Arkraptor spoke, tying the last knot on the man's feet.

"Got it."


"Teddy bear? How are you doing? We're in front of Goseng's room right now. We have all five rooms now, so come to meet up with us. We're going to go to get Yeon's room." I stated.

[Understood. I'll see you in a bit.]

"Why are you lying down on the bed, dumbass? We still need to get Yeon's room." Arkraptor commented.

"I'm just recharging! Plus, I wanted to speak to my love and best friend Nia before going~" I replied, calling Nia, who would be waiting for us in my room.

[Calling "My love Nia"...]


"Yo! My adorable sweetie pie Nia mwah mwah mwah! Are you doing all right over there?" I asked, excited to hear Nia's voice.

[...Yes, Mr.Customer~]

But instead of Nia's cheery voice, I heard a familiar, dastardly voice register into my mind.

[The traitor Nia is doing very well~ As for your room, however... I don't think I won't be able to say the same soon.] Lucker spoke, his voice reverberating around the room clearly.

Wait... why is he...? How did Lucker get into the room? What does he mean, "traitor"? No, it doesn't matter if we lose a room. We can just take over another one. The important thing to take note of here is Nia. I thought, unable to help but think that Nia had been roped or blackmailed into giving up the room.

"Lucker!! What the hell did you do to Nia?! How'd you get in that room?!?!" I shouted.

[Why, "your love" Nia opened it for me,]

"No way!! Nia wouldn't do that!!"

The wound of wind passing by the microphone filled my ears as Lucker let out a sigh. Arkraptor stood beside me, listening in on the conversation with a serious face.

[Oi, Nia. You tell him yourself. Tell him how you opened the doors of your own volition and let me in.]

"Nia?! Nia, is that you?!" I called out.


"Nia!! Are you all right?! What did that bastard do to y-"

[I'm sorry, Wangnan. I... betrayed you.]

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~


Can anyone else hear that?

It's the sound of Wangnan's heart shattering into pieces.

But the worst is yet to come, I'm afraid.

2.3 pages, 789 words

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