Irregular (1)

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Counting Stars - OneRepublic

Song of the Chap!!

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Third Pov

Koon and Baam stared at Cecelia, who was racking her brains to find suiting nicknames for the two males. She stared at Baam, making him fidget and blush slightly in response. Koon sat quietly in his spot on the couch, sipping his hot coffee.

"Celia, stop teasing him," Koon stated, laughing lightly.

"AH HAH!!"

At Cecelia's sudden outburst, the two males jumped from surprise.

"You'll be Snowflake!!" Cecelia announced, pointing to Koon.

"And you'll be Cuddlecake!!" She then pointed at Baam, whose face was turning into a tomato.

"Hah?! Why am I "Snowflake" while Baam gets something cute like "Cuddlecakes"?!" Koon objected.

"Snow is beautiful, silent, and deadly- just like you. It's also similar in colour with your hair. Plus, I love winter and snow. I think that "Snowflake" suits you." Cecelia replied, giving Koon a big, bright smile.


"No buts. you chose my nickname, so I get to choose yours. Unless you'd like me to call you Aguero?"

Koon flinched, memories of Maria flooding into his mind. He didn't want to sully memories of Cecelia with her. He already had one- no, two, now that Lahel was involved- horrible women in his life. I don't need or want to have Celia calling me by that name. She deserves better. He thought, letting out a sigh.

"Snowflake it is, then. You'd better be glad that I like you a lot, Celia." Koon grumbled, a small smile gracing the tips of his lips.

"W-wait, Cece... why am I "Cuddlecake"?" Baam asked, using his hands to cool his hot cheeks.

"You give me the best hugs, and you tend to cuddle with me the most. At first, I intended on calling you "Cinnabun", like the sweet cinnamon roll you are, but I thought that "Cuddlecake" was cuter. Would you like me to change your nickname?"

"Hey!! How come he gets to change his?!" Koon argued, only to be ignored.

"No!! I like it!!" Baam replied, waving his hands.

"I know you do. Your ears twitch when you really like something- and you push the hair by your right ear behind your ear when you get embarrassed, like now." Cecelia commented, laughing cheerfully just as Baam pushed the hair behind his ear.

For a Demon with no soul or heart, Cecelia was very "humane"; she felt, responded, understood, and could relate to more emotions and human psychology than any other Demon. It allowed her to melt seamlessly into human society- but it also made it easier for others to realize the fact that she wasn't exactly normal. Her Demon persona and her human one were drastically different, after all.

"Come on, Snowflake and Cuddlecake. Let's go for some breakfast." Cecelia said, dragging the two towards the cafeteria.

"Is there a point in you eating human food? It doesn't help sustain you, does it?" Koon asked as Cecelia walked down the hall, hand in hand with Baam and Koon.

"It doesn't help me in any way at all," Cecelia confirmed.

"Huh? But then... why would you...?"

"For amusement and company, Baam. You guys are an interesting, rowdy bunch, and I enjoy spending time with you all."

Koon scoffed lightly at Cecelia's reply. But he didn't mind holding her hand.

By the time the trio arrived at the cafeteria, the others were already there. Shibisu happily waved the trio over, having saved the three of them a seat. As usual, Koon sat on the other side of the table, facing Cecelia. Baam sat on her right side, knowing that she was left-handed.

"I SWEAR, HE DISAPPEARED!!!!" Rak yelled, talking heatedly about someone.

"Who disappeared?" Koon asked.

"The big dude with the cleaver. You know, the guy that was with Lahel? Isn't he on your team, Androssi?" Shibisu said, making Koon give him a little glare.


"Everyone knows that Michelle Light is actually Lahel, the girl that Baam's been looking for. There's no point in hiding it anymore. Plus, when I saw them at the first test, the big guy was already with Lahel. I don't know anything about him." Androssi stated.

"Thanks for the food," Koon said out loud, getting up from his seat.

"Come on. Let's at least try to enjoy a meal together." Shibisu complained.

"I'm going to go visit Lahel. Thank you for the meal, everyone!" Baam said, having eaten his food at the speed of light.

"You too, Celia. Let's go and leave these people be." Koon commented, grabbing her hand and practically dragging her back out of the cafeteria.

"Wha- hey!! But- but we just got here!!!" She protested, waving goodbye to the others.

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What do you think about the nicknames? I had a hard time thinking of one for Koon. Haha.

2.5 pages, 812 words

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