The Crown Game (4)

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Third Pov

"A commoner like me, huh? If you knew who I was, Anaak Jahad, than you would be bowing at my feet, trembling and begging for mercy that I don't have. But for today, I'll go easy on you. I'm in a rather good mood, you see." Cecelia said, as Anaak helplessly clawed at the albino girl's grip on her throat.

"Your soul should be good enough to pay for your insolence."

The rest of the group watched in tense silence as Anaak started to thrash around violently, trying to get herself out of Cecelia's grasp. Cecelia's grip didn't budge. And even with the mask hiding the lower half of Cecelia's face, the others could tell.

She was smiling underneath her mask.

Soon enough, Anaak's body fell limp in Cecelia's grip, dropping her Green April in the process. A small, glowing purple orb the size of a big fist flew out of Anaak's mouth, placing itself in Cecelia's hand. She threw Anaak's unconscious body to her teammates before trying to swallow the glowing orb.

Before she could, however, someone slammed her against the wall, pinning her wrist and stopping her from eating the orb.

"I won't allow any more of this behaviour." Lero Ro commented, pulling Cecelia's mask away.

It was as though he was breaking a trance. Instead of the furious, bloodthirsty aura Cecelia had a second ago, it was replaced with a calm, soothing aura. She blinked innocently, looking into Lero Ro's golden yellow eyes with a surprised face. Then her cheeks heated up into an adorable shade of pink, causing the female to look away.

"Please give miss Anaak her soul back, miss Cecelia. I can't have you eating any of the Regulars in my presence." He said, pulling away from the embarrassed female.

".....Very well. But I will take her Green April in return." Cecelia said, rubbing her slightly bruised wrist.

"Thank you for your mercy." Lero Ro replied, giving Cecelia a content smile.

Cecelia merely glared at the blonde Ranker. Mercy indeed. He should be glad that I didn't kill everyone here, including him. She grumbled internally, approaching Anaak with the orb in hand. Without another word, she placed the orb on Anaak's chest, placing her palm behind the orb. The ball of light absorbed itself into its owner's body, disappearing completely.

"She'll wake up in an hour or two. When she wakes up, tell her that she better be glad that her weapon was the only thing I took." Cecelia growled, giving Hatsu and Shibisu an angry scowl.

"Happy now?" Cecelia turned back to Lero Ro, obviously annoyed that she had been stopped from having her meal.

"Very," Lero replied.

"So what now? I can kill them, but not eat their souls? What kind of rule is that?!" Cecelia argued.

"I'm afraid that that's how it is in the Crown Game. However, once the game is over, you can have as many as you want. That I can guarantee." Lero clarified, making Cecelia let out an aggravated sigh.

"You'd better." She muttered.

With a small bow, Lero Ro disappeared to continue the game. All that was left behind was a string of confused and scared regulars, along with some debris left behind from Anaak's attack. Cecelia took a seat on the bench, storing the Green April and the Black March in her Weapons Inventory.

"You owe us a very detailed explanation once this is over," Koon told Cecelia, who agreed with a bashful smile.

"Sorry for causing a scene. But now Anaak's down from the throne, and the Crown is up for grabs." Cecelia responded as the four of them walked out of their waiting room to participate in the third round of the game.

"Plus, you should congratulate Baam for asking me to not give it up no matter what happens. I wasn't going to hand it over anyway, but this shows that he's grown a backbone!!" She continued, laughing merrily.

It really was as though her persona had changed the moment the mask came off of her face. Sure, there were silvers of murderous intent or insanity that still showed up here and there, but it wasn't enough to say that she "changed".

"Good job, Baam." Koon praised, only for Baam to bring up the last person that Cecelia wanted to hear about- Lahel.

"That's because Lahel said..."

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

I honestly have no idea how I've managed to get 3+ chapters off of one episode of TOG. I swear.

2.4 pages, 767 words

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