Evankhell's Hell

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Baam Pov

"So she finally showed you her true colours, huh?"


Cecelia walked over to me and enveloped me in a hug. For some reason, she was dressed in black, tight-fitting clothes that clung to her body, instead of the casual, colourful clothes that she usually wore.

"Baam, I have to tell you something. Something that you should've known a long time ago."

What Cecelia told me was shocking.

This very place that I called home was just one of the many abandoned places outside the "Tower of God". People who were born on the outside weren't able to go into the Tower of God. Only the chosen ones could. When the time came, the Tower would allow the chosen ones to enter the Tower, and from then on, the chosen ones would go through a series of tests and climb the tower.

"...So, Lahel's one of the chosen ones?" I asked tentatively.

"That's the thing. She isn't one of the chosen ones. She doesn't have a special talent or power. She wasn't supposed to be able to enter the Tower, Baam. You were."


"You were the one that was supposed to enter the Tower, not Lahel. That portal just now? That was your ticket to enter the Tower of God. And Lahel took it instead."

"So... we can't follow her?"

"Baam, your destiny is very complicated. Once you enter the tower, you'll meet many people. Some will be good, and some will be bad. You'll learn many things and feel many things. You'll face many hardships, and in the middle of it all will be Lahel."

"I... don't understand."

"That's all right. I'll be by your side the entire way, after all. No matter what happens, you can always trust me."

"And you can always trust me, Cecelia!" I replied, giving her a bright smile.

I didn't understand everything that she had talked about Lahel, but I was clear of one thing- I would always be able to trust her, and she would always be able to trust me.

Then, without any warning, the ground underneath us started to glow. Just like when Lahel disappeared through the floor.

"I hope you're ready, Baam."

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

- Evankhell's Hell -


I opened my eyes to a clear blue sky and a foreign voice yelling something. The cool breeze brushed over my face, bringing a gentle tickling sensation. I sat up abruptly, finding Cecelia unconscious beside me. I hurried shook her shoulders, trying to wake her up.

"Hello!! Welcome to the second level of the Tower- to Evankhell's floor!!" A voice spoke.

Where are we? Is this somewhere inside the Tower too? But... it's so bright. I thought, pulling Cecelia into my arms.

"Evankhell's floor is also known as the Floor of Tests- because this is the floor that you will all take a test for us to calculate the final number of people able to climb the Tower!!"

"Ugh... Baam?"

As I tried to understand that the voice was telling us, Cecelia stirred awake. That fight with the deep-sea eel must have taken a big toll on her. I thought, helping her sit up. She had some blood streaking the side of her face- which I wiped away gently using my scarf.

"Anyways, we can have a more detailed explanation later on. Why don't we start with our first test?"

First test?! I panicked internally, Cecelia sitting up with a pained scowl on her pretty face.

"There are currently four hundred people here on this floor. Using any means necessary, reduce the number to two hundred. The test will automatically be over when the number of people reduces to two hundred. Well then, good luck!!"

I froze at my spot, the sinister blade of fear cutting through my heart. Turn four hundred into two hundred... using any means necessary. That means-


Without another word, Cecelia took my hand and started to run. A large man with really long black hair and a scary-looking spear followed after us, laughing.

But in the blink of an eye, he was dead too- turned into a porcupine by the numerous arrows stuck in his body.

We continued to run- and soon enough, all I could see that Cecelia's long hair flying in the wind, as well as her back. It was like Lahel's- only that she was with me, unlike her.

It was quite a hectic test. In a matter of minutes, we had a huge, angry, talking crocodile coming after me, as well as another guy with light blue hair. The guy was helping us instead of trying to kill us, unlike the ferocious crocodile.

"Who are you?" Cecelia asked in a menacing tone of voice, pointing the Black March to the guy's throat.

"Wait- Cecelia-" I said, trying to stop her.

"Calm down. I'm an ally. Not an enemy." He said, before introducing himself.

"My name is Koon. Koon Aguero Agnis. What's your name?" He asked, holding his hand out towards her. She frowned and ignored it.

"...Baam. Twenty-fifth Baam. And this is Cecelia." I said, introducing the two of us.

She just glared at him, her blood-red eyes filled with suspicion. Koon just smiled back good-naturedly. Luckily for me, the foreign voice stopped the awkward situation.

"EVERYONE FREEZE! The first exam has officially come to an end!! First of all, congratulations to those of your that have been able to pass the first test!! And it is a bit early, but we'll go straight to our second test while we're at it!! The goal for our second test is to... make allies!!"

~~~ /// ~~~ \\\ ~~~

Cecelia and Baam finally met Koon!! Did you know that today will be the day that they said their love triangle started?


Hello, my dear readers!!

Your dear author is back, with news to tell!!

Taking advantage of this COVID-19 situation, I decided to make a new Instagram account for you, as well as myself. The main point is for me to advertise, socially connect with people in a more friendly/close term, providing me with a chance to get better interaction with my dear readers!!

There will be posts regarding many things about my Quotev (and Wattpad) account. It will allow you to get to know more about me, and the stories that I write and post. It will also allow me to get to know about people in the fandoms that I enjoy!!

You're free to message me on Instagram and ask me questions!! Of course, I cannot tell you anything TOO personal (ex. my real name, where I live, etc.) or anything that revolves around spoilers (there may be some hints, but nothing detailed!!).

Think of it as an online social gathering filled with people that have similar tastes/interests as you!!


My account name is qlucifer_social!! You should be able to recognize me from the photo!!


3.5 pages, 1195 words

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